
Mastering Work-Life Balance and Athletic Performance with Gabby Reece

Meet Gabby Reece Gabrielle Reece is not only a volleyball legend, but an inspirational health and fitness leader, podcast host, corporate speaker, New York Times bestselling author, wife, and mother. The former professional beach volleyball player and Nike’s first female spokeswoman is the definition of both athleticism and beauty. Gabby

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3 Common Health Issues You Had No Idea Were Gut-Related

When Hippocrates famously said, “All disease begins in the gut,” he likely had no idea how right he was.

For example, could he have known that the gut contains 10 times more bacteria responsible for regulating your health than the rest of the body?

Or that the bacterial transfer

Physiological Gut Responses and their Emotional Connections

If you’ve ever felt your stomach twist into knots and recognized you felt nervous, congratulations. You’re human!

Now that science is getting wise to the brain-gut connection, we’re realizing that we’ve been intuitively paying attention to the subtle signal of the gut for much longer than we knew. But for

Is it Love or a Trauma Bond? Six Ways to Tell…

We can give ourselves allergies. We can give ourselves addictions, diseases, deficiencies, and neuroses. We can definitely give ourselves trauma bonds. Although, in this case, it certainly takes more than one party to build the bridge that creates the cyclical, helpless, hopeless frenetic energy of a trauma bond. The trick


Diet and Nutrition



Redefining Midlife: A Conversation with Claire and James Davis

Meet Claire and James Davis  Claire and James Davis are the husband and wife team behind the multi-award winning wellbeing company The Midlife Mentors, which gives men and women over 40 the body, mind and lifestyle tools they need to live their best life. The couple also have a successful

Finding Inner Peace: A Conversation with Elaine Glass

Meet Elaine Glass Elaine Glass, a visionary author and highly experienced Master Life Coach, is renowned for her transformative retreats tailored for women navigating intricate midlife transitions. Her book, GET QUIET, will empower you to get back to feeling like yourself again! Elaine’s path has been marked by significant leaps

Navigating the Maze of Nutritional Choices with Kristin Kirkpatrick

Meet Kristin Kirkpatrick Kristin Kirkpatrick, RD, MS, author of Skinny Liver and upcoming book, Regenerative Health Kristin Kirkpatrick is a best-selling author, an experienced presenter, and an award-winning Dietitian. She is the President of KAK, Consulting, LLC, a dietitian at the Cleveland Clinic Dept of Department of Wellness & Preventive

The Power of Functional Medicine: A Deep Dive with Dr. Jeff Bland

Meet Dr. Jeff Bland Dr. Jeffrey Bland, World-Renowned Nutritional Medicine Expert , “father of Functional Medicine”, and founder of Big Bold Health, a company on a mission to transform the way people think about one of nature’s greatest innovations — the immune system. Through Big Bold Health, Jeffrey is advocating

Could Bringing Back Victory Gardens Pull Your Family Through Covid-19?



Gut Health​



Replace Glory Gains with these 5 Vital Movements

The internet is saturated with advice on how to manicure your body and finetune it like a microchip — washboard abs, Madonna arms, digestive purges, leg day, chest day, back sculpting, squat thrusts, etc.

In the noise, you may find yourself confused about where to start and what’s important.


The Secret Chemicals in Fast Food and What They’re Doing To You

You don’t need a scientist to tell you that fast food is not a healthy choice. Empty calories? Check.  Heavy in trans fat, light in nutrition? Check.  The exact opposite of mindful and grateful eating? Check. But it’s important to understand that not only is fast food not good for

Dr. Perry Cammisa Whole Body Vibrations Podcast Blog

Our metabolic systems are fast learners. Sometimes, they catch up to what we’re doing so quickly, we start to see plateaus in our workout goals. Your metabolism doesn’t want you to lose weight – it wants to conserve your energy and live the lifestyle it’s become accustomed to. So we have


Mental health



Caveman Skills Modern Man Still Can’t Do Without

The more we’ve moved humanity indoors, automated our skills away, and gotten our experience of the world filtered and sent to us through screens… The more we’ve lost touch with some of the vital skills cavemen and prehistoric men learned in order to survive. We’re only able to tell an





Conscious Capitalism: Snack Edition

What do a teenage girl with IBS and a world-renowned animal welfare expert have in common?

Apparently, beef-sticks.

You see, when Autumn and Chas Smith got married and were dealing with Autumn’s lifelong digestive issues,

Why Ranking Stressors Could be a Life-Saver

Stress is a killer – and that’s not a metaphor. It’s not just that too much stress makes us sad, tense, and less able to enjoy the bounty of life available to us. It’s also that

Compartmentalizing Growth: You and the 100 Day Year

Ask most entrepreneurs the secret to their success, and before they say generational wealth, they’ll likely say “compartmentalization.”

What that means simply is the ability to break down information and tasks into discrete parts.

Dr. Pedram Shojai

NY Times Best Selling author and film maker. Taoist Abbot and Qigong master. Husband and dad. I’m here to help you find your way and be healthy and happy. I don’t want to be your guru…just someone who’ll help point the way. If you’re looking for a real person who’s done the work, I’m your guy. I can light the path and walk along it with you but can’t walk for you.