Rockefeller’s Great Heist is Still Wrecking your Money TODAY

Dear Reader,

Being stupid is the only way to get smarter. 

You probably know that, right?

But do you know why? 

It’s because you don’t know what you didn’t know until you screw up. And then you know. 

And we, as a society, pretty much don’t know anything about the number one cause of our stress, the “root of all evil”, and the thing we need to make our lives happen: money. That’s made ten times worse because we’re not even supposed to talk about it. It’s “impolite.”

Have you ever thought about who made that rule? 

When Rockefeller created and funded the General Education Board in 1904, he made a calculated decision that’s affected every generation since. He decided that schools wouldn’t teach money.

My good friend, and best-selling author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki, takes issue with that. 

You see, we’ve been talking a lot during the coronavirus crisis… watching the stock market spasm, watching everyone’s portfolios lose all their value, watching the wealth people earned by doing what they were told – go to school, get a job, save your money, pay your taxes, diversify your portfolio – vanish.

And Robert’s perspective is so controversial, even the Wall Street Journal comes after him all the time. Not just now, but even 30 years ago. When he wrote that book, he had to publish it himself because big publishing houses are part of the same system he was trying to expose.

With all this talk of government bailouts – for big business, small business, student loans, personal finances – he’s here, once again, wondering…

If you’re in trouble right now, and you’re afraid…

What was it you didn’t know that’s backed you into this position?

The reality is, it’s probably a lot. Most of us have a huge blindspot about money. Our parents, our schools, our teachers didn’t talk about it. And the people who do talk about it are all answering to the same boss: the 1%.

How is it that they’re SO rich when the rest of the world is so poor? What do they know about money that we don’t?

Robert thinks about money differently than anyone I’ve ever spoken to about it. And he should know – he built himself an empire out of $800,000 in debt. 

He doesn’t think the problem is mental, physical, or emotional. Our problem with money is spiritual. Because of a series of decisions that the people in power were able to make by deliberately obfuscating the true nature of money and how it functions in our systems (like Social Security, Medicare, global banks, and the stock market itself), we’re weak.

And here’s how you can tell… 

When I’m working with a student, and I hear them looking for something external to solve their problems, I know where the issue truly lies. That student has lost faith in their personal, innate ability to restore, refuel, and regenerate themselves. 

They’ve run out of resilience.

And it’s the same problem here. 

Because we look away from our money and hope for the best, we have no idea how it’s being manipulated against us, and we’re weakened so much that we think we can only look to the bodies giving us our information to pull us up.

And that’s a mistake.

In the middle of this crisis, where everyone’s afraid for their health and safety and job stability, I thought it would be a good idea to bring Robert onto my podcast.

We cover a lot of ground. Like… 

  • The history of America’s most prominent universities and what’s beneath their disguise…
  • The safest place to put your money before a time of crisis…
  • The truth that Buckminster Fuller revealed in his groundbreaking Grunch of the Giants book…
  • The real commodity our money is tied to since we severed it from gold in ‘74…
  • And why building resilience is absolutely critical in every facet of your life, especially spirituality (and that includes money).

If you’re panicking right now? You can’t think. And if you can’t think, you can’t make good decisions.

Listen to what Robert has to say. He sheds light on something that’s long been hidden by darkness. 

If you can’t see your way forward, how can you know where to move?
Getting right with your money is just as important as getting right within your body. Skip Zoom cocktail hour – spend an hour on yourself instead.

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Dr. Pedram Shojai

NY Times Best Selling author and film maker. Taoist Abbot and Qigong master. Husband and dad. I’m here to help you find your way and be healthy and happy. I don’t want to be your guru…just someone who’ll help point the way. If you’re looking for a real person who’s done the work, I’m your guy. I can light the path and walk along it with you but can’t walk for you.