The Pineal Connection From Fluoride to Spiritual Zombies

Dr Pedram Shojai

Today I explore this idea of fluoride in the water and what it does to our pineal gland. Is it putting us to sleep?

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Podcast transcript:

The Pineal Connection From Fluoride to Spiritual Zombies – Urban Monk Podcast

Dr Pedram Shojai: [00:00:00] Welcome back Urban Monk podcast. Dr. Pedram Shojai here to talk about some of the current events that have been up in our faces for a minute now. Um, and they’ve got me thinking, Oh, so we have RFK, , trying to get confirmed by Senate. Going through all these hearings and , people going after him for the vaccines and things that he said and you know what he’s trying to do and going after the system at large and blowing up the death star.

And so there’s really charged narrative on both sides. And he had come in the pledging to get the fluoride out of the water, which Has all sorts of potential health implications on the public health side And you know, it’s obviously kind of a big debate in the dental field a lot of functional dentists saying man We don’t need this stuff.

Why is it here? and then we start talking about the deleterious effects of fluoride in the human body [00:01:00] and so this has all been kind of It has been something that has been really actively in the media. And just a couple of days ago, someone sent me, uh, just one of these, you know, there’s so much conspiracy stuff flying around, right?

So someone sent me a video, you know, and on one of the socials, like, Hey man, look at this and. I, I’m a grain of salt kind of guy. Um, always have been, you know, I was listening to David Ike and, uh, George Norie and the guy before him and even Alex Jones, like back in the nineties, all these guys saying all sorts of crazy stuff.

I’d listen to it in one ear out the other grain of salt, grain of salt. I don’t know. Is the queen a reptile? Well, she’s not around anymore, but there’s been a lot of stuff that’s come and gone. Um, and to me, I read it as fiction until otherwise proven. Right. Um, Recently. There was a moment where, uh, yeah, I don’t really tune into any of the alien stuff, right?[00:02:00] 

But there was a moment where someone sent me something where it was like, Hey, look at this guy from the Pentagon admitting that we have UFOs and we’ve gotten biologic material out of it. And yes, we found, you know, bodies that are not from planet earth. And I’m watching this going like, wait a minute, this is on C SPAN.

And I, I went down that rabbit hole for a couple of weeks and I was like, holy crap, this is now being admitted in front of Congress. And there are UFOs everywhere. Like I’ve always believed there were, I’ve always assumed being in a universe this large, it’d be arrogant to assume we’re all of it. Right.

But my, my stance has always been, um, when a UFO lands and I could get in it and look at the gadgets and see the guys with the big eyes. I’m in, right? I want the experience, not the belief. And so now you got all these guys testifying in front of Congress saying, you know, official people, right? Not tin hat guys saying, Yeah, yeah, yeah, I’m from the Navy.

We see these things all the time. We don’t know what to make of them. And so it has come [00:03:00] to the foreground, right? everything that’s crazy is now not crazy anymore. , and so when this guy sent me this, this clip. About the new world order, I guess, whatever you want to call it. It had a lot to do with saying the way they control us is by putting fluoride in the water, aluminum in our bodies, uh, using the pesticides in particular glyphosate and then EMF and that deadly combo.

Kills the pineal gland and the pineal gland, uh, we’ll get into, uh, is really important in all the spiritual traditions and we’re learning a lot about why it’s important, um, to us as humans. , and so I’m like, huh, that sounds a little wackadoo. Of course they want to, you know, dull our senses and make us spiritually dead and all that kind of stuff.

So of course what I do is shelve it. And then a couple of days later, I thought about it again because I was telling someone they need to not use deodorant with aluminum in it. And then, um, we saw them spraying glyphosate at the local park. And I’m like, [00:04:00] God, man, what if? And so I started doing some research.

Uh oh. , and I can tell you that there is little evidence. On the front of the EMFs. Although there’s plenty of things suggested, there is more on aluminum and how as a heavy metal, it will help, uh, calcify the pineal gland, which we’re going to talk about. , and, , the glyphosate, I mean, there’s all kinds of stuff said about glyphosate, but no one’s really looked at how it influences, or at least no one that I’ve found has looked at how it influences the pineal gland in particular, but fluoride.

Oh man. Like bullseye, holy crap, that’s a thing. And so I decided to do a little bit of research because that’s what I do. And, uh, wanted to talk about. the pineal gland, the anatomy, the function, what is this thing? Uh, the role of fluoride, why the calcification of the pineal gland might be bad for us.

And just explore some of this, if [00:05:00] you will, come on this journey and let me indulge. Uh, let’s have some fun. So before we dive in, I want to give you some context. The pineal gland has been known across cultures around the world as the third eye, the seat of the soul. We’ve got references in Indian traditions with the chakra.

We have the upper Dantian in the Taoist tradition, uh, eye of Horus, Egyptian mythology, and even Descartes, Rene Descartes called it the principal seat of the soul. So it’s not just ancient wisdom though. Modern science has revealed a lot fascinating stuff about this tiny little gland dead smack in the center of our skulls.

Looks like an eyeball facing up if you’ve ever been in a cadaver lab, uh, that’s what it looks like. And so what makes it so special, first off, it sits outside the blood brain barrier, making it uniquely vulnerable to environmental factors, the ones that we were [00:06:00] just talking about and It’s position is almost perfectly in the center of the brain.

It is light sensitive. It doesn’t just look like an eyeball. It somehow is like an eyeball that is facing up and it is incredibly well vascularized, good blood flow to this thing. So it’s almost as if it’s an environmental sensor for your brain. Processes light, it tracks time. And it produces some crucial components like melatonin and potentially dimethyltryptamine, which I’ll talk about in a minute, which has been purported to be called the spirit molecule.

So anatomically it is centered between the hemispheres, is connected to the visual pathways. It interfaces with the autonomic nervous system and it has direct connection with cerebrospinal fluid circulation. I’ve been looking at some other stuff I won’t even bring up here that has to do [00:07:00] with spermidine and its flow through the Baxton’s plexus back into the brain and the circulation of certain amines and amides that have to do with consciousness and perception and anti aging that can also be influenced by this, but that’ll be in another video.

Show. What I want to go over here is why this particular gland I find to be incredibly important and pertinent to the problem we’re having in society with people, mental health crisis getting worse from Gen X to Gen Z and attention span and meaning of life and all these things are starting to go south really fast.

And a lot of this has to do with the anterior cingulate cortex. which is key for interoception, the insula, the hypothalamus body regulation, , and the brainstem. And the pineal gland sits in the middle of all this stuff. Okay. So there’s a complex web [00:08:00] of chemical signaling from melatonin to DMT to certain pineal peptides that influence our neural integration and the cerebrospinal fluid that has signaling molecules throughout the brain.

And so unfortunately, uh, Jennifer Luke did a study in 2001 showing that fluoride accumulates in the pineal. at higher levels than in our bones, and it leads to calcification. Essentially, the pineal becomes like a tiny rock in our brain. That’s a problem, and we’re gonna get into why that’s a problem. Uh oh, fluoride does this?

The crazies have been saying this for a long time. Maybe they’re not crazy. Uh, oh. But to be clear, I also want to emphasize that it’s not just fluoride. The standard American diet creates a perfect storm for this. The high phosphoric acid from sodas, whoops. Uh, calcium without the crucial K2 cofactor, [00:09:00] whoops.

Inflammatory foods look around you. gut microbiome. It prevents proper mineral absorption. The stuff’s supposed to deposit in your bones. Everyone’s got osteoporosis and a calcified pineal gland. Whoops. So some of these mechanisms, uh, I’m not gonna get too far into the science, but in the sodas, you’re going to get this phosphoric acid, which disrupts calcium homeostasis.

It forces the calcium out of the bones and it leads to inappropriate deposition of this calcium from your sodas. If we have high calcium intake from dairy, but low vitamin K2, which is really minimal in fermented foods, uh, we can’t direct how the calcium deposits and it deposits inappropriately.

You can add EMF exposure, you can add artificial light, the environmental toxins, chronic stress, all this stuff that makes the perfect storm of the standard American lifestyle. And we are getting a [00:10:00] scenario where we are literally calcifying the part of the brain that is right at the center of what we would consider the spiritual experience.

That’s what I want to spend a minute on here today because this is, this is heavy. It’s not cool. I want to be clear that it’s not just the pineal gland that gets the calcium deposits. We get it in the cardiovascular system, arterial walls, heart valves. Yeah, let’s talk about the number one major issue for chronic disease and mortality in the country and Western world.

Uh, obviously it goes to brain structures like the pineal, but it also goes to other brain structures. Basal ganglia, the choroid plexus, but it goes to joints and soft tissue, your tendons, your ligaments, your joint capsules, your fascia, all those aches and pains oftentimes come from some of these deposits.

And it could also deposit [00:11:00] in your organs. You get kidney stones, it goes to the liver, the gallbladder. Okay. So I just, I want to be clear that it is systemic, but this little tiny gland in the middle of your brain picking it up is the problem du jour that I want to talk about because the calcified pineal.

Um, sits in the middle of some very important stuff and it affects some crucial brain networks particularly and I am very involved in doing a study on this right now. The anterior cingulate cortex, which integrates emotional signals, monitors conflicts, processes internal states and regulates attention.

This really is a part of the brain that we’re looking at for the seat of awareness and multiceptual perception and awareness comes online. Uh, it also sits right in an area which impacts the default mode network, which handles self reflection, processes internal [00:12:00] awareness, manages memory consolidation, and controls mind wandering quality.

If we disrupt these networks with a calcified pineal gland, we have reduced meditation capacity, lower dream recall, diminished intuition, decreased sense of purpose, and difficulty accessing deeper states. Uh oh. And it has been long theorized in some research has now confirmed that dimethyltryptamine is produced in the pineal gland.

This is a substance that can be taken as a psychedelic, but we produce it in our pineal gland. It’s associated with near death experiences, deep meditation, big dose at birth, big dose at death, and intense transformative moments. You start doing some of these entheogens. We could actually take five MAO, uh, there’s actual DMT, [00:13:00] but this molecule is associated with spiritual experience.

This is something that is produced by our own pineal gland. A healthy non calcified pineal gland leads to a substance in our brain that is intimately associated with spiritual experience. Oh, we know that we have DMT producing enzymes in the pineal. We know that we have research that’s confirmed all the necessary precursors and mechanisms.

And so we understand that the specific release of this DMT happens with mystical experiences, deep meditation states and intense stress or trauma. Okay. And the problem here. And again, no one’s doing this research in Fort, I mean, maybe the bad guys have done this research, which leads to the thesis that this guy sent me, right?

But a calcified pineal would [00:14:00] lead to reduced capacity to produce this compound, potentially limiting our access to deeper spiritual experiences. It’s really got me thinking. If you ever read Robert Persig’s Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, he talks about the crystallization of thought patterns, rigid mental structures that need to be broken down for new understandings to emerge.

And I think about this calcified pineal in light of this, right? I almost see the same pattern playing out in our brains. We have actual crystals forming in our pineal gland, hydroxyapatite structures that literally calcify our third eye. At the same time, many of us experience a kind of spiritual calcification, more rigid thought patterns, fixed perspectives, calcified beliefs that limit our [00:15:00] experience of consciousness.

Just as these physical crystals are forming in the pineal that need systemic dissolution, You see the work on the Zen side of the equation, where, you know, our mental, our spiritual rigidity requires patient, persistent work, careful attention and reflection on the kind of stagnation that needs movement.

And both of them require a systemic approach to breaking. So we see how this. Is potentially running out. Now, look, if there’s a boardroom of bad guys smoking cigars, um, orchestrating this, or if this is just the perfect happenstance storm that has come through, Lord knows what, you know, variables that were, um, not premeditated.

I don’t know. [00:16:00] I mean, we do know that after World War II, we grabbed all the Nazi scientists we could, and early people at the CIA were complaining that the primary language was German, not English, and it was just filled with nutty scientists working on mind control, and fluoride, and all sorts of stuff like this.

So if you want to go deep down that rabbit hole, uh oh. Right? I don’t have proof for that, but it is interesting that the fluoride put in the water would lead to this very spiritual numbness that then leads to a world filled with zombies that are told how to think, how to buy, how to vote, and how to believe in certain things.

Right? So, of course, I started looking at what it would take. To fix this because there’s, you know, a certain amount of energy that can go into, uh, the sky is falling and that can go into [00:17:00] there out to get us. But my stance has always been, what the hell are you going to do about it? So according to the research I’ve dug up, it’s going to take about two years to properly decalcify and clear this crap and get your pineal gland back.

So. First, noticeable changes, you’ll see in sleep quality, some mental clarity, maybe some better energy levels, and then you’ll start to see more pronounced after about, for month six to twelve, you’ll start to see your intuitive capacity coming back. Deeper meditation, maybe some more sensitivity to subtle energies, and then I’d say based on what I’ve dug up, really it’ll take between 12 and 24 months to clear it, have your environment cleared of all the stuff that leads to it, and then start integrating physical and spiritual practices in a way that are meaningful.

So the good news is there is a protocol. We have plenty of research on this, right? There’s a [00:18:00] foundation I found for a couple weeks, vitamin C, pretty high dose, magnesium glycinate, zinc, methylated B, and some NAC, and then detoxing.

With some citrus pectin, some boron, um, tamarind extract can be valuable here. Chlorella iodine. And I would say it takes about four weeks to actively detox. And then I have come up with a maintenance phase of some K2 magnesium, threonate

some regular boron, some antioxidant support. , and I’ve been just digging on this because, uh oh, if this is a system wide, society wide problem, how do we solve it? Now, it does not take the place of lifestyle integration, right? Morning sunlight exposure, really good for the pineal. Managing your blue light at night.

Really important. Clean water. Don’t put any more crap in you. Right? Uh, the heavy metals. Obviously we talked about aluminum in most of the antiperspirants. Where are you getting your heavy metals? How are you going to chelate them [00:19:00] out? Lot to say on that done films on that. Um, mitigating your exposure to EMF, we don’t know enough, but we know it ain’t great.

So that needs to be part of it because what I’ve seen in the pineal is like the time clock, right? It’s where the circadian rhythms kind of get set with melatonin. And the center of the brain is the EMF frequencies can throw off that clock, throw off our sleep cycles and really disrupt our chrono rhythms.

And so staying out of EMF waves as much as possible is really important. Movement’s really important in a meditation practice is really, really good hygiene. And I find it to be. incredibly relevant, right? Is the thing that is being dulled is the thing that will break up the crystals on a certain level.

But I don’t think you stand a chance if you’re eating fast food cheeseburgers, uh, taken on more [00:20:00] fluoride than you should bathing in EMFs and being stressed out all the time, that becomes the perfect storm for a calcification that then leads to a a spiritual numbness. It isn’t just about physical health.

It’s about maintaining our capacity for spiritual experience, our capacity for multiceptual awareness. And somehow the ancients, they understood that this was the third eye. They understood that this part of the brain or the body was where all this good stuff happened. And now the science is starting to catch up.

And I think that this is. Regardless of, you know, what’s in the water supply and all these kind of macro things that are happening, um, that people can scream about at each other, there is definitive evidence and proof, Google it yourself, that fluoride will calcify your pineal. [00:21:00] Right there to me is a three bell alarm.

Take all the other things that I talked about, layer them behind that, and I would say it’s important to understand that the calcium deposits in a pineal gland can’t be good for the neural networks of your brain. Sitting at the center of where your awareness, your sense of self, your executive function, your emotional regulation, all these things happen at the center and you are turning the center of this squishy organ that looks like an eye into a rock.

 A calcified rock. So I would say coming out of this could be gradual from what I’ve dug up. It’ll take a couple of years, but as we watch these debates about fluoride and water quality and dental health and all these things that, you know, look, I’m married to a dentist and you know, we’ve looked at this a lot is this capacity for us to be awake, alive, and spiritual beings is probably more important than all this other stuff.[00:22:00] 

In my assessment, because from Gen X to Gen Z, most people are complaining about being depressed and not having meaning. It’s getting worse. We’re losing our attention span. We are losing our capacity to be awake, alive, happy, and free. And I think a lot of that has to do with. Whatever you call the spiritual origins of our, of our being.

And if any of that sits at the seat of the soul in a pineal gland, I for one don’t want mine to be calcified. So. I have put together the supplements that I think will do it. Um, I can do a limited batch of a run of blister packs. I’m going to do it for myself, but I could do a little larger of a pack for anyone who wants.

to potentially ride along. Um, I haven’t done any of the market stuff and this isn’t like a market ready thing. I’m just saying if anyone’s interested in this, I’ll put together the [00:23:00] formula that I think works and I will share it with you and I recommend you work on it and you take out the things that lead to the calcification.

Don’t drink soda, right? Don’t do the dumb stuff and start doing things that break up the calcification and start to take notice of what changes in your life. Okay, you could just go ahead and email support at the urban monk dot com and say, yes, I’m interested in the pineal. Supplements. And I’ll put together an email and kind of send it over to you.

Um, go find it yourself. I’ll put together a stack for myself. And I’m happy to share that as well. Um, I’m also piloting a larger study on consciousness. And some of this kind of multiceptual awareness work that I’ve been sharing with you for my new book that’s coming out.

And there are a couple biomarkers for pineal health that [00:24:00] I’m just going to add to it. And we’re running an experiment with 150 people. And, um, once it comes through, uh, we’ll look at that too and just see what. What we find is shifting with our awareness, what is shifting with our ability to capacitate our consciousness through the anterior cingulate cortex, the default network, and then potentially this tie in with the pineal gland and what we can learn from it, right?

That’s just pure science. We’re just trying to figure stuff out. But in the interim, I think there’s enough evidence to suggest you don’t want a calcified. pineal gland. So let’s break up the crystals and let’s wake up. I hope you enjoyed this and I’ll see you next time.

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