A Guide to Speaking the 6th Love Language
Hades and Persephone had it down.
Do you remember their arrangement?
Persephone’s mother, Demeter, wanted her back above ground after Hades, Greek God of the
Hades and Persephone had it down.
Do you remember their arrangement?
Persephone’s mother, Demeter, wanted her back above ground after Hades, Greek God of the
Hades and Persephone had it down.
Do you remember their arrangement?
Persephone’s mother, Demeter, wanted her back above ground after Hades, Greek God of the
If you’re worried and you can’t sleep…
Have a nightcap to unwind! Take some cough medicine. Eat a second helping. Pace the hallway. Squeeze your eyes shut. Give your social media one final scroll.
For a need that all humanity has in common, there are some pretty common misconceptions about sleep, how to get it, and what it looks like when it’s healthy. And frankly, most of the advice is Western-leaning.
A few days ago, we published an article about what a low FODMAP diet can do for those with digestive issues — specifically IBS, but not excluding diverticulitis and other forms of leaky gut. The research in favor of a low FODMAP diet for IBS sufferers is pretty overwhelming.
The main deterrent for most people is that it seems impossible to live a life without consuming FODMAP foods. They’re not only incredibly common, they’re foods that people are advised to eat when they don’t have inflammatory gut conditions, like IBS, Crohn’s disease, and colitis.
Unless you have diabetes, insulin probably doesn’t contribute very much to your daily inner dialogue of things to frantically track. But it should. Public education
One of the most immediate and noticeable benefits of a digital detox is its positive impact on our physical health.
We’ve talked in the past about some of the general health benefits of the Whole30 diet….
But also about the effect that some of the Whole30 diets exclusions have on the diversity and strength of the bacteria in your gut’s microbiome.
After all, the diet calls for completely avoiding legumes, nuts, beans, grains, and dairy, which in varying doses, feed the good bacteria in your gut and assist with general permeability issues.