Finding Inner Peace: A Conversation with Elaine Glass

Meet Elaine Glass

Elaine Glass, a visionary author and highly experienced Master Life Coach, is renowned for her transformative retreats tailored for women navigating intricate midlife transitions. Her book, GET QUIET, will empower you to get back to feeling like yourself again! Elaine’s path has been marked by significant leaps of faith. Understanding the profound impact of connection and compassion, she realized that true transformation occurs when people feel genuinely acknowledged and understood. Driven by a profound sense of purpose, Elaine’s mission is helping people live their BEST life.

Her unique approach, known as “The Get Quiet Way,” is a roadmap to discovering your inner treasures and bringing them fully up to the surface and out into the world. She encourages you to be who you truly want to be, feel good again in your own skin, and realize your positive influence on your family and the world. Elaine’s deepest commitments serve as more than just inspiration, they serve as a catalyst for action. She inspires and encourages people to dive deep within, acknowledge their truths, and lead a life that is unapologetically authentic. Her journey exemplifies that it is never too late to pivot, find your voice, and make a meaningful impact on the world.

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Podcast transcript:

Welcome back urban monk podcast. Dr. Pedram Shojai. A lot of ways to find yourself a lot of ways to do the inner work. Today, we’re going to talk about a labyrinth, which is pretty cool. I’ve done a few. Um, my guest has really spent some time. Exploring this as a journey in word, think you’re going to enjoy it.

Dr Pedram Shojai: Well, it is certainly good to see you and welcome to the show.

Elaine Glass: Thanks, Pedram. It’s great to be here with you.

Dr Pedram Shojai: I’m so happy to be talking about labyrinth work. Um, it is, you know, people, people maybe, maybe see this at, you know, a retreat center once in a while and go, Ooh, cool. But I don’t know very many people that have actually done this work other than you, um, and are out there trying to spread the wisdom, spread, you know, how this works.

Dr Pedram Shojai: So just a little bit of background on you, um, before we jump in. So folks know where you’re coming from and how, how you came to this work, please.

Elaine Glass: Yes. Well, my background is in I actually started in the dental world for over 20, 20 years and I sat with over 40, 000 patients one on one, a stadium full of humanity graced my, my presence and I graced their presence and I learned a lot about, um, patterns, behavior and humanity and, um, also energy. And so, but that was all great, except I felt like I was phasing out of that career and wanted something more indifferent to expand my own soul’s calling.

Elaine Glass: And, but my life had gotten so loud. It had gotten very noisy, very fearful, and very uncertain. I had gone through a very difficult divorce, found myself a single mother working full time, and that really created a lot of uncertainty and fear in my life. So I was desperate and longing to hear my soul’s voice because I knew I had a soul’s calling.

Elaine Glass: I believe we all have a soul’s calling, but life gets loud and we lose our way, and I had lost my way. Except for one day, I found this labyrinth. And what I learned was it’s an ancient, 4, 000 year old ancient contemplative meditative practice. The metaphor is so beautiful because it’s as if it brings us straight to the center of ourselves.

Elaine Glass: That’s the, that’s the focal point, and it’s not a maze, it doesn’t confuse you, it’s one way in and one way out. And the moment I got to my first walking of a labyrinth, I heard my soul’s voice, I heard God’s voice, it was very clear, and I was grateful at that moment, and I knew I had found my soul. the place that was going to lead me out of the pain and the struggle that I was going through.

Dr Pedram Shojai: So this mindful walking, this Symbol linking of this journey through physical space that is tied in with one’s inner journey. And that kind of tying of rituals into this act of what you’re doing. Um, Rituals are kind of gone, right? And we live in a world where we’re trying to thunk our way out of all this stuff.

Dr Pedram Shojai: So for you, was it the, the, the physical visceral walking? Like, what do you think drew you into this saying, yum, yes, this is my medicine.

Elaine Glass: I literally felt like I could feel myself again. I was missing something in my life, and really what I found was I was missing myself. And I could feel myself there. It was quiet. I could hear the birds singing. I could hear the gravel crunch under my feet. And before that, I was so disconnected to all of that. And so that’s what drew me in, Pedram. It was this silence that I needed to actually find myself again.

Dr Pedram Shojai: Silence. We’re going to come back to that term. It’s, um, it’s one of my favorites, um, silence and it’s going to be a big part of, I mean, it’s a big part of your thesis. So I want to come back to that. Uh, Question in terms of lineage. I’ve seen labyrinths at every kind of retreat, you know, east, west, shamanic, all this.

Dr Pedram Shojai: Is there a particular lineage? Is there a particular tradition of labyrinth work that pulled you in?

Elaine Glass: Actually, no, I am somebody who loves to innovate. And so when I found this maze or this labyrinth, uh, I was first like, well, I just want to, I want to walk it by myself. I want to make it my own. And I don’t even really want to know the tradition behind it. That was the first thought. I want to make it my own.

Elaine Glass: I think there’s so much prescriptive, uh, things out in the world that we don’t get a chance to make things our own and, and create our own self healing. Because I do believe that when we give our space, give ourselves the time and space we can heal ourselves. And so initially I would say for the first six months I didn’t even look up what a labyrinth was.

Elaine Glass: I just wanted to be my own and not have anything come into my head that would make it otherwise or have me think otherwise about my experience. And then when I did finally look into what labyrinth walking was, it is based back thousands of years ago, like I said, um, in the Christian traditions. And, um, that’s really where the foundational piece of it was.

Elaine Glass: And, uh, so I, but I never, I never had anyone really sit with me and say, this is how you walk it. This is how you do it. I made it my own, and that’s what I love the most. And that’s what I want other people to do. I want other people to walk their own labyrinth, their own inner labyrinth, and make it their own.

Elaine Glass: To be able to tune in to what they need, to be able to tune in to what they hear, in terms of messages. So I believe that we all have a soul’s calling, but we need to get quiet enough to We need to get quiet enough to hear that still, wise voice. And that is what will happen when you enter a labyrinth.

Dr Pedram Shojai: I love that. Well, that’s a throwback to all mystical traditions, right? Is the path laid out for you is actually inside. So shut up and listen kind of thing. And so in, uh, Your upcoming book, you’ve identified seven simple paths of truth. Who you are. Um, we won’t have time for all seven. So I’d like to get through the first three or four because, um, working, working your way into this, it becomes an inside game.

Dr Pedram Shojai: As you discovered in your work, right? Um, and I love how the book is laid out because the book is almost like a labyrinth, right? Like it spirals and it builds, which is really interesting. Um, so let’s start with the first step, right? Let’s, let’s take our first step into the labyrinth and walk my listeners through this work, if you will.

Elaine Glass: Yes, well the first step is really awareness. The awareness that I need to pay attention to my life. The awareness that I’ve been looking away at the truth of my life. And so that’s really what brings you to the mouth of the labyrinth. To start the very first path. The very first path is about nurturing your body.

Elaine Glass: Not beating your body up, not lifting heavy weights, running marathons, talking bad about how your weight is this or you look like that. It’s about really nurturing your body. Not looking away at things that you’ve looked away from for a very long time. And that could be moles that you haven’t looked at that are growing, gums that are bleeding, you know, blood tests that have come back that you never addressed.

Elaine Glass: This is about walking gently, Pilates, yoga, Qigong. We’re talking about nurturing the body in the most loving way you possibly can. Because for most people, they have looked away at the loving, warm guidance of this self healing when you take this approach. So that’s the first path.

Dr Pedram Shojai: That’s a big, that’s a big one. Um, How do I expect to listen to my body if I hate it? How do I expect to turn my attention inward if everything in my universe is drawing my attention outward? Um, and that kind of visceral body awareness that is, I mean, central to all of these internal arts, right? Is folding your attention back into your body.

Dr Pedram Shojai: Um, I haven’t met a tradition that’s worth its weight in anything that doesn’t start there, right? Like you, this is the temple, right? And it’s interesting because there’s a word in Western hermetic tradition called the aditum, right? The inner, the inner sanctuary. But you work your way from the outside to the inner sanctuary.

Dr Pedram Shojai: And this, the labyrinth work very much reminds me of that. Um, so how does one start with step one? Just becoming radically honest with what’s. currently in front of them. Like if I got a mole, I’m going to a dermatologist. If my blood work sucks, where’s my followup? Like how does, how does one follow that in?

Elaine Glass: It’s taking action. It’s being brave. It’s being courageous. It’s saying, I want to feel my best. It’s saying, I want to honor this one precious God given life, and I’m going to do anything I possibly can. And if I can feel good in my body, that is the first step to being able to connect body and soul together.

Elaine Glass: I feel like the problems in the world right now, are that we are so stuck in our minds and are overthinking that we’ve lost total connection to our body and ultimately And so to take those actions, to take care of our body, take care of the blood tests, don’t be afraid to address things, don’t be afraid to look closer and get down to the bottom.

Elaine Glass: We have so many amazing resources on the internet, through, you know, doctors, through, uh, just any type of information that we can get our, our hands on these days to know what to do. We almost have no excuse anymore. And, and sometimes, it can be the most simplest things that cause us. To feel better again.

Elaine Glass: Sunlight, walking, hydration, you know, sleep, all of those basics. So these are the things that you start with in order to get that body to be able to meet its soul at the center and hear your purpose for your life.

Dr Pedram Shojai: Before we go to step two, there’s something really important to put a pin in and underline here, which is a lot of people who, let’s go back to your story. Single mom, got a divorce, working a job, struggling, trying to find it, right? That sucks. It’s just, you’re like, man, I really need to do something. A lot of people will go straight to soul work, spirit work.

Dr Pedram Shojai: They will go to a spiritual tradition and try to step over the aches, the pains, the moles, the blood work, and look past the body for the loving light of spirituality. And they always live in an unsettled space, right, because the body has not taken the attention it needs to draw them inward further into the labyrinth, the inner labyrinth.

Dr Pedram Shojai: So I really appreciate that that is your first step. I’ve never seen anyone properly find a spiritual life by neglecting their body, pure and

Elaine Glass: That’s right. And in this, uh, path, because each path in Get Quiet, the book, is attached to an energy point, which is also very healing. So remember that the nurturing the body, that energy point that we focus on, is the abdomen. And for women, particularly the womb area. Because there’s a lot of stuck energy there.

Elaine Glass: And so, I have visualizations for every, uh, path in the book to help shift stuck energy. Because really that’s what we’re doing here. We’re focusing thing, on things in our life to shift the energy. Because if things are stuck, nothing will move. And so that’s what this beautiful practice is, is shifting the energy in a very, very simple and beautiful way with ease and grace.

Dr Pedram Shojai: Love that. And that’s a big theme too, right? No pain, no gain. You need to beat yourself up to get anything worth getting. Um, grace is a very strong word. Um, and so walking with grace, walking lovingly, looking inward. I mean, that sounds so much nicer. So what, what, what is the second step on this

Elaine Glass: The second path is associated with our heart energy. This is about taking the walls down that we’ve created to and built around our hearts through disappointment, loss, grief. And so this path focuses on cleaning and clearing your environment, anything from your home, your office, what’s in your drawers, what’s in your closets.

Elaine Glass: What boxes, what storage units do you have that you’re paying for every month that you’ve lost the key to? We’re talking about cleaning and clearing things that are weighing heavy on us. Because Pedram, the thing about walking this path is to get to the lightness of being. How do we, how do we not hold and carry so much?

Elaine Glass: And so, in our environment, how do we clean and clear things that are weighing heavy on us? That also is about, uh, creating healthy relationships. So, it’s the people in our lives, it’s the things that we’re holding on to. And it’s funny, it’s even little things around your house. Like I was cleaning out, um, or I was taking a shower and the clog in my shower, the water started to pile up and I knew it was time to clean out the, the, uh, the, uh, the drain.

Elaine Glass: And it’s those

Dr Pedram Shojai: Drain.

Elaine Glass: are stuck. And I know it sounds like, well, what could a clogged drain really do for you once it’s clean and cleared? I tell you, I cleaned and cleared that clogged drain. And I started getting so much more intuitive messages that day. Something energetically shifts in our environment that’s not clogged. And those could be home repairs that you haven’t addressed in years.

Elaine Glass: Those could be, um, you know, have you, do you have termites around your property and you haven’t, you know, dealt with the termites? Uh, do you have, uh, weeds in your, in your home that, uh, you know, on your property? I mean, these, this is everything around you, inside your home, outside your home. Take a look at everything.

Elaine Glass: Take inventory. This is about cleaning and clearing. And making the energy flow and that nothing is stuck.

Dr Pedram Shojai: So, by way of sequencing, are these layered on top of each other? Like, okay, I call my doctor and we’re looking at the moles, um, and I’m dealing with my body and some abdominal breathing. I’m going to wait until I deal with that pile of paper over there. Or can I start layering my first couple paths as I go?

Dr Pedram Shojai: Like, do I, is this additive or is this sequential?

Elaine Glass: I think it’s really dependent on the person and where they are on their path. For me, I had to start with getting my body much lighter, energetically. And healing my body. I couldn’t even go to the next path until I felt really safe in my body. So that my nervous system was calmed to even get to the next path.

Elaine Glass: Now, I have had clients who have jumped right into the fourth path because that’s where they are. They’ve done the previous paths. And in the book, Get Quiet, you’ll know exactly what path you’re on. And sometimes we have to go back to the first path because something wasn’t addressed and we have to go back.

Elaine Glass: And this is just life. And what I, what I’m really wanting for the, for this book and Get Quiet is that this is an act of quiet. This is, what do we do in our quiet moments? Instead of, you know, sitting in cross legged and, and stillness and darkness, people feel like that’s get quiet. It’s not. This is about getting quiet, paying attention, and in Get Quiet, the book, you will know what to pay attention to.

Elaine Glass: So it’s an active quiet. It’s a gentle quiet. It’s something that we are just aware of and awake in our consciousness. To paying attention to these different paths that we’re all walking every single day and you might think well My environment’s clean and clear. My heart is open, but something came up with the body and now I’m back You know dealing with that, but these are just awarenesses to pay attention to

Dr Pedram Shojai: I want to double click on something you said. You said this is an active quiet. Which almost sounds like an oxymoron. I want to play with that a little bit, right? I want to tease out what active quiet means to you.

Elaine Glass: so many times. We think that being quiet Meditation you’re isolated. You’re alone And in Get Quiet the way that I describe it, is that you’re never alone. You are never alone. You are able to access so many things consciously by just paying attention to the paths that I lay out in the book. And so this is active because you’re paying attention to and know what to look at instead of lying to yourself or looking away.

Elaine Glass: So it’s the Get Quiet really means consciousness.

Dr Pedram Shojai: Awareness. If I walk into my office and for the last, six months or six years. There was a pile of files over there or some old DVDs that I don’t even have a player for anymore. That is spatially loud. And so my awareness on that then creates work for me. One would assume, right? But as I clear that I’m pulling the clog out of the drain.

Dr Pedram Shojai: To your point, there’s some geomancy, there’s some feng shui that happens. around the clearance of the physical clutter is what I’m hearing.

Elaine Glass: Absolutely, 100%.

Dr Pedram Shojai: Yeah.

Elaine Glass: And that’s the energy that we’re shifting in our life. Because we wonder why our lives don’t get better. We wonder why our health doesn’t get better. We wonder why our relationships aren’t, are suffering. It’s because of this stuck energy throughout all these parts of our life. So getting quiet is paying attention and waking up.

Elaine Glass: to what is stuck and what needs to be moved.

Dr Pedram Shojai: It’s interesting as you mentioned, you’re an energy healer at the top of our call. Um, something that is stuck energy for long enough becomes a mass. Something that’s stuck energy for long enough stops flowing. And then suddenly, you know, it densifies and muscle tissue becomes assist. And so the physical stuck energy usually will manifest as symptoms as disease, as problems.

Dr Pedram Shojai: But to extend that into the next path, which I, I find fascinating and I, you know, this is something I think about a lot, is the material rela reality around you is also just denser stuck energy. So the crap you’ve surrounded your with is energetic patterns that have settled to the point where you just have all these.

Dr Pedram Shojai: Boulders, energetically in front of you. Um, Clutter, I mean, we’re, we’re, this Persian New Year this week actually, and so declutter is a big part of my cultural tradition. Like, this is the annual get in there and get it out time for us, the renewal time. So, it’s very personal, right? It’s a big part of what we do every year in my family.

Dr Pedram Shojai: So, I really appreciate that. The third. Would love to, would love to keep walking this labyrinth with you.

Elaine Glass: Thank you. The next is to get present. And that is all about the mind. And this is actually, while you’re walking an actual labyrinth, this is the longest path. This is the path that is the outer path. The most outer path and the longest. And I know that it’s the most It’s also the most difficult, and I think that’s why it’s the longest path.

Elaine Glass: How do we get present? How do we quiet that overthinking mind? This is the path that we associate that with, and the stuck energy is, uh, our head. That is the energy point. And, um, you know, how can we be present to knowing that we are enough? How can we be present to every moment? instead of being stuck in the past or afraid of the future.

Elaine Glass: And this is the path of the mind. And it’s a, it’s a beautiful path to walk. It’s the most difficult, but once you can get as present as you possibly can, you will find that what you are caring and holding onto just dissipates almost overnight. When you can get present to The person that you’re talking with, like I’m so present with you right now and the words that you’re saying that there could be fireworks going on outside my window.

Elaine Glass: But I would still be hearing every word you said, because I’m locked in right now in this moment, because this moment is all we have and it’s all that matters.

Dr Pedram Shojai: It’s funny you say that because I share a space with two white Labradors that insist on licking themselves when I’m recording a podcast. So I’m being tested at all times. This, this third path has many, many roads, right? There’s Vipassana meditation. There are all sorts of. tools and strategies to help someone with the mental and it’s a long path because it’s a difficult one.

Dr Pedram Shojai: It’s a long path because none of us really grew up with training on this path. Where’s my mental hygiene? So, uh, I just want to make sure I understand the, the superstructure real quick. The, the abdomen slash kind of uterine area was the outer of the rings. The head, is that the third or the second, the points?

Dr Pedram Shojai: Yes.

Elaine Glass: the first path, the abdomen area, it’s interesting because the labyrinth, when you first enter, you almost enter in the center of the labyrinth, and I feel like it’s where So, um, yeah. It’s, it’s, it’s meeting you right where you are in, in that moment of your life. So it’s not going from the outer path in, in the way that you would think.

Elaine Glass: It does traverse around so that you enter the third path. You enter the first path in the middle of the labyrinth, but it winds you out to the outer layers first and then brings you back in. So it’s, it’s, that’s what’s so beautiful about it is because it’s really, um, you know, making you kind of, it’s kind of testing you to go to those outer paths.

Elaine Glass: The paths of the mind is the outer path and it, and it abuts the outside world. So it’s so close to, uh, this overthinking mind and yet it’s so contained in the labyrinth that that makes sense, that you’re being tested of the outside world and all the noise. But you’re still contained in this portal of healing and that’s the presence that you must have is to stay present to these paths and not be, and not be distracted by the outside world when you’re doing this work.

Dr Pedram Shojai: It’s good medicine for all of us. So, but just, just to wrap my brain around this, the, the number seven from the out, from the inside out and then in is the abdomen and uterus. You’d mentioned the head area as like you’d mentioned that there are specific kind of points in the body to focus on.

Elaine Glass: That’s right.

Dr Pedram Shojai: Okay. And what was the middle one or is the head the middle one?

Dr Pedram Shojai: Like seven, six, five.

Elaine Glass: Okay, so, to be technical, the labyrinth paths are, go 3, start with 3, 2, 1, 1 being the outer path, and then it brings you to the, to the closer to the center, which is path 4, then it winds around to path 7, 6, 5, and then the center of the labyrinth.

Dr Pedram Shojai: Okay. And there’ll be a drawing of this in the book, of course.

Elaine Glass: Yes, there is one. It’s a finger labyrinth, so if you don’t have one, you can walk near you, you can get the same healing, like I said, by either reading the book in the sequence it’s in, or finger walking the labyrinth, but it, either way, it is a very, very healing, um, beautiful modality.

Dr Pedram Shojai: And then the body parts associated as we go.

Elaine Glass: Yes, so we talked about the abdomen, we talked about the heart, we talked about the head. The next path would be the hips. They’re stuck energy. of emotions in the hips, in the ilium, right in the center. And I actually show people, while we’re walking the labyrinth, when we get to the hip area, we actually use our fingers and pull out the dark, stuck energy of emotions in our hips.

Elaine Glass: And when we do that, we feel such a lightning. What I feel Thought at first was that we carry the weight of the world on our shoulders, but what I did find is that we carry the weight of the world in our hips. And so this energy, when it shifts out of you, is miraculous. So this is the path of rest, to rest and receive.

Elaine Glass: And for people who are always giving and nurturing, This is a game changer.

 Quick pause, talking about stuck energy. That’s why dude, she gone. The temple grounds. If you go to the urban, check out the store. There’s a course called the temple grounds, where I teach you how to get your energy unstuck, multiple traditions from multiple temples. Multiple ways to heal yourself, check it out.

Dr Pedram Shojai: Yeah. Every yoga teacher will tell you that most students, their unlock comes in a pigeon pose or something, right? Where they rest into that. Um, hips are also associated in my mental framework with movement and action and over action, right? And so, you know, we’ve all been in perpetual motion since we hit school age and, you know, we were told and trained to never stop.

Dr Pedram Shojai: So this advice almost feels scary to some, right? People who, people who are afraid of the quiet, people who are afraid of stillness. How does, how does this start to open up the One’s consciousness to trust that there’s good in quiet, there’s good in stillness.

Elaine Glass: I’ve taken hundreds of people to the labyrinth. That’s what I do every day. I’m living my dream life taking people to heal and Facilitating that for them and every single person who thinks before that it’s scary Actually knows immediately that it’s not. That’s the first message I’d like to say is that when you get into this labyrinth, when you get into this quiet Labyrinth You can finally, finally hear the loving messages that are waiting for you.

Elaine Glass: And when you feel that love, and when you hear that clarity, It’s like nothing else. I mean it is the most exhilarating feeling and you just want more. So I really do feel like there’s an old story around it being scary to get quiet. It’s, it’s scary because it’s isolating and I don’t want to be alone.

Elaine Glass: But it’s an, I feel like it’s an old story because it proves to me every time that people are actually, I think, craving it. They just don’t know how to do it. And this is how you do it. This is how you get quiet. And this is exactly how you will find your soul’s calling. And in this path of the hips is when you are actually tuning in to your soul.

Elaine Glass: It’s a miraculous time because you’re receiving those messages that are clear. Clear, clear messages. And I believe that messages are the highest currency. Because we’re desperate for information that is specific to us. And our lives and moving our lives forward. But how do you get that in the noise of the world?

Elaine Glass: How do you get that when you’re weighing heavy and dense in energy, stuck energy? This is the way you do that.

Dr Pedram Shojai: In this fourth, uh, leg of our journey, is the actual focal point, the hips, like you actually fold your consciousness back and bring your awareness to that region of the body. You listening to the actual hips.

Elaine Glass: Yes. This is a visualization because our minds are so powerful. We can really, um, use this visualization to shift energy. So again, we visualize our abdomen shifting, our heart shifting, our head shifting, and then our hips. And this is the sequence.

Dr Pedram Shojai: Does one do this through a single sequential meditation once they’ve done this work? Like, will you run through all seven circuits of your labyrinth? in a single session or do you just dance around and feel what needs your attention that day?

Elaine Glass: Both, depending on the client, but we always start with what are they tuning into first. This is their journey. This is, I’m, I’m helping them tune in. I’m not telling them where to tune in to. They’re making it their own. So, so many people, though, do start with the path number one. You know, you’ve met those people who all of a sudden start taking their first yoga class, or they buy their first, you know, pair of new tennis shoes.

Elaine Glass: It’s because that’s the first step. path that most of us intuitively feel we need to start shifting our lives somehow. We need to start shifting the energy of our body. And so this is a very intuitive, um, very common, uh, way that we heal, um, and I’m just giving light to it. So, people will come to me with a certain problem, will start with a certain path, but always at the end of the day, they will know all seven paths, and that I will give them all eight energy points, so that they can use that in their meditations at home.

Elaine Glass: I actually, um, love it for night time, because if you wake up in the middle of the night, which a lot of us do, you focus on these eight energy points, and you fall right back asleep.

Dr Pedram Shojai: Hmm. When you wake up in the wee hours of the night, um, a lot of people who suffer from insomnia, um, cannot face the silence when they wake up there. They’re the amount of volume, the loud emanations that are coming from the unresolved aspects of themselves and their dramas and their traumas and all the stuff just gets louder at night when everything else is quiet so that to actually create training and rituals around silence and quietude to lean into it if you will that’s medicine that’s been long overdue in my assessment in the world that we live in

Elaine Glass: I couldn’t agree more. I couldn’t agree more. When you can memorize these eight points in your body in the middle of the night and just make it a ritual, like you said, make it a routine, it is like medicine. It is. It, it literally shifts your whole entire being so that you feel, instead of fear and uncertainty in those quiet moments, you’re actually feeling love.

Elaine Glass: You’re actually feeling self love. That’s really what we’re talking about. It’s a return to love. Loving yourself.

Dr Pedram Shojai: Let’s do one more circuit, if you will. We got just a few more minutes and I just want to make sure folks are understanding the sequencing as they go in. And obviously get the book and read it to keep going. But we got like five more minutes. Let’s do one more level, if you will.

Elaine Glass: You’re going to love this next one. It’s all about getting grounded and getting grounded is the next path. It’s actually the next path that’s closest to the center. But you’ll wind back out a little bit before you get to the center, but it’s, you’re just going to taste that center right now. And it’s a beautiful path because I found that grounding is not what we’ve been generally taught.

Elaine Glass: What I visualized and found in the center there was that you ground down to the earth. There are rays shooting down from your feet to the, to the earth, but also at the same time, you’re Your rays are shooting up toward the heavens. And so you’re grounding up and you’re grounding down. And when you ground in this new way, You feel so solid.

Elaine Glass: Like you can take on the world. Like your dreams are just right there in front of you to, to get. And actually you can start to even dream again. So many people come to me, they don’t even know what they want in their life because there’s been so much noise. They’ve given so much to others and helped others create, you know, and have um, their dreams come true.

Elaine Glass: But what about their dreams? Now it’s time for you to ground in this way up and down. So that those rays shoot up to the infinite heavens above and ground you in the heaven. This is, this is about living heaven on earth. And I know that’s a very, very big promise. But this is what can happen. When you ground this way and you can dream again for yourself.

Elaine Glass: And it’s just the most beautiful path because when you ground this way, your energy and your state of being completely changes from when you started the paths. And you just won’t ever be the same.

Elaine Glass: I can’t hear you.

Dr Pedram Shojai: Sorry. To be a little bit more granular on this, are we extending through our root chakra and our crown chakra? Are we, what is the the visualization? There’s so many paths. I just want to make sure folks listening to this can see it if they’re just gonna go practice it, you know, tonight before getting the book.

Dr Pedram Shojai: Okay,

Elaine Glass: Yes, well, we ground through our feet. So that’s downward. Um, my work is not based off of the chakras. Uh, this is my own innovative, um, energy, uh, modality. So what the rays of light will do is they will go from the feet creases of the, the creases of your feet and they will come up to the frontal lobe. They will hit your head there and they will shine up into the heavens.

Elaine Glass: So that’s the visual, is that the light and the rays go down to the earth, and then the light and the rays hit the forehead and shoot up into the heavens. And then that ray comes back down through you, and that is also extremely healing. That’s the visual.

Dr Pedram Shojai: You’ve seen a lot of traditions, right? But rooting down to the earth misses the other half, right? Um, praying just to a sky God misses the other half. And so this kind of holistic, I am a human standing between a dynamic balance of heaven and earth. I think you’ll find it in specific traditions. Um, but.

Dr Pedram Shojai: Qigong is anchored in this, obviously, right? You can’t do Qigong or Tai Chi without this type of orientation or else you’re, you know, spinning out in space. So as people start to do this, there are real tangible things in life that start to presumably shake up, settle down, resolve, Just give us a couple real, real life examples of people who start doing this and then X happens in their life.

Elaine Glass: Well, Um, there was a gentleman that came to me that, uh, was on the verge of divorce with three small children. His wife wanted to complete that relationship because he was, um, just completely out of touch, uh, with the family and himself. And he got to the labyrinth. And particularly this path of grounding this way.

Elaine Glass: And when he connected upward to the heavens as well as downward, he actually connected to God. And he told me I had, I had, I had stopped my conversations with God. And because he stopped his conversations with God, he was totally disconnected and it saved his marriage. He went back home. He basically had a spiritual awakening in that moment.

Elaine Glass: And so things like this will happen. Um, gosh, I mean, so many things. Inner peace, um, for everybody who walks the labyrinth in these ways. Calm, clarity, and health. Self healing, the ability to self heal. To know what to do next. And people who understand what their calling is. People have been coming to the labyrinth, who have been in corporate America, and they leave the labyrinth saying, this is not the life that I want to live.

Elaine Glass: And so many people in midlife, particularly in their mid forties, early fifties, where they’ve lived their first half of their life a certain way, and they want to completely live their second half of life on their terms. But they don’t know where to start. They don’t know how they want to live their life.

Elaine Glass: Get Quiet will show you, and facilitate, and guide you to exactly how you should live the best second half of your life.

Dr Pedram Shojai: As guided by your own internal compass, presumably.

Elaine Glass: That’s right. It’s your internal compass. It’s not the world’s. It’s not people telling you how you should do something. That you should do something a certain way. This will be on your terms. This will be from your own creation. This will be from your own soul. Guiding you and knowing what is meant for you in this lifetime.

Dr Pedram Shojai: Glad to hear that. There’s a lot of morons out there saying, do it my way. There’s a lot of gurus out there saying, you know, this is the path. Um, and. Every true teacher of mysticism knows that God is within. The answers are within you have to dig and find that inside yourself. And so this internal nexus of transformation, you’re the missing ingredient, right?

Dr Pedram Shojai: You’re the one who has to get quiet. So I really appreciate that. The book is called Get Quiet. Some seven simple paths to the truth of who you are. Elaine G. L. A. S. S. Glass. Um, recommend reading it. Recommend doing the work and I recommend starting as soon as you can because life is precious and we’re wasting heartbeats.

Dr Pedram Shojai: Um, Elaine, I really appreciate your demeanor and I really appreciate you being here.

Elaine Glass: Thank you so much for having me.

Dr Pedram Shojai: Thank you.

Hope you enjoyed it. Let me know how you liked it. Wherever you see this. Give me a comment. Just give me some love, let me know that you are listening. And also what you’d like to hear more of. If you haven’t subscribed, please do so. And I will see you in the next one.

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Dr. Pedram Shojai

NY Times Best Selling author and film maker. Taoist Abbot and Qigong master. Husband and dad. I’m here to help you find your way and be healthy and happy. I don’t want to be your guru…just someone who’ll help point the way. If you’re looking for a real person who’s done the work, I’m your guy. I can light the path and walk along it with you but can’t walk for you.