You’re Probably Lacking in These Energy-Giving Nutrients…

Psychologists have already begun writing about an interesting byproduct phenomena of the coronavirus global quarantine…

People all over the world are finding that they’re still not learning how to basket-weave, practicing calligraphy, and becoming flawless minimalist interior designers now that they have the time at home they always thought was the magic bullet.

There are several prevailing theories regarding our energy shortage… One is that we are collectively experiencing a trauma response, resulting in a state of energy paralysis

Or simply put, we’re almost too drained to perform our daily functions, let alone take on additional pursuits.

 Another theory is that one of the first things to go out the window – when your routine changes and your nervous system adapts to a state of regular stress – is your healthy habits.

Western culture, our global media, and our own neural pathway patterns serve to remind us all the time that ice cream is there to comfort us, as well as triple-flavored sodas and macaroni and cheese. For some, stress patterns include avoiding food or not eating enough.

What would actually make a difference in our energy, our attitudes, our forward outlook, and our daily routines…

Is proper nutrition. 

And the truth is, we all know that (maybe deep, deep down). But we’re also all trying to have grace for ourselves and others during this complex and unprecedented moment in modern history. That’s important – give yourself and others a wide berth.

If we fix the incoming nutrition, increasing our energy reserves and freeing up the space previously being used for cognitive acrobatics…

Gratitude journaling and other self-care tricks get a fighting chance at making a difference in our daily experience staying safe at home.

Here are a few vital nutrients for energy and brain function you’re probably not getting…


You may have heard of L-theanine before. It’s an amino acid, and it’s lauded for helping you relax without making you sleepy. That means that the anxious, fluttery feeling you experience from extra strong coffee in the morning won’t be a problem. 

It’s often more effective when paired with Guayusa extract, which comes from tea. It has double the antioxidants in green tea, as much caffeine as a cup of coffee, and tons of curative properties. It occurs naturally in the Amazon and is a cousin of Yerba Mate. 


This is a type of single-celled microbe, in the blue-green-algae family. It’s totally possible you’re getting none of this in your diet right now. 

That’s a shame, because it’s loaded with vitamins A, C, E, and B. It’s also packed with calcium, zinc, magnesium, and selenium, which has been shown to have a powerful effect on altering moods

You can find lots of foods that contain some of those nutrients, but you’d be hard-pressed to find something containing all of them.


This tough-to-find herb does all kinds of things. Mainly, the herb and its roots are used to get energized, promote endurance, build strength, and aid in mental elasticity. Its roots are commonly referred to as “adaptogens”, because they help the body absorb and adapt to stress, whether it’s physical (like pain), environmental (like weather), or chemical (like emotional). 

Rhodiola is also something of a last-resort energy-booster. You consume it when your reserves have run dry and you can’t dredge energy up from within.


Another amino acid, found most often in meats like chicken and beef, but also in squash, seeds, beans, and eggs, you’ll feel it if you’re low on leucine.

It’s used by athletes and bodybuilders to enhance muscle growth by activating muscle protein synthesis. In order for muscle protein synthesis to happen, energy needs to be produced. That’s what leucine does – increases glucose, mitochondria creation, and fatty acid oxidation. 

This makes it essential for continued and consistent energy, too. You want to feel an even wave of energy all day long. Not the high/low game of coffee and sodas. 

Most of the nutrients can be found in the food around you, although you might not have known to look for them.

If that feels like too strenuous a task when you’re already trying to convince yourself to eat toast, consider getting all of them in one burst.

Each nutrient (and plenty more) are mixed into Rising Energy. Your only job is to mix it with water and drink it.

The choice is yours. But no matter what you do, ensure that the decisions you’re making about your consumptive intake reflect the way you want to move through the world. 
You can lounge. Or you can get up and rise.

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NY Times Best Selling author and film maker. Taoist Abbot and Qigong master. Husband and dad. I’m here to help you find your way and be healthy and happy. I don’t want to be your guru…just someone who’ll help point the way. If you’re looking for a real person who’s done the work, I’m your guy. I can light the path and walk along it with you but can’t walk for you.