We Are Not Healthy… We Are Prepared to Get Sick

Dear Reader,

It’s an election year, and there’s a global pandemic. And that means we’re hearing a lot about universal healthcare again…

Wherever you land personally on the subject, we’re at a moment in history where this divisive conversation has reached a fever pitch.

And if you’re a clear thinker, a follower of holistic medicine, an empathetic citizen of the world, a health nut, or even just a curious person… 

You’ve probably asked yourself: “Why is one of the most hotly contested issues of our nation’s politics a matter of health?” Granted, the United States has some of the most expensive health care in the entire world.  

A 2018 survey tracked that citizens of the U.S. spent more than $10,000 per person a year, on average. The study used 13 countries total, with similar size and GDP, and found that of the 13, 11 spent less than half of what the average U.S. citizen spends on healthcare. 

So we’ve got two big problems: 

  1. Healthcare is expensive here.
  2. We seem to need a lot more of it than other countries.

But somehow… the focus isn’t on keeping people healthy. The big problem is healing them when they’re sick. 

That’s because we are not healthy people, by and large. We are simply prepared for the inevitability of illness.

I work really heavily in this space, because my training as a monk and as a medical doctor showed me where our blindspots are. I chose to align myself with other people who were dedicated to sharing what they know with as many people as possible. 

Nick Polizzi is one of those guys.

Not only is he one of my closest friends and most trusted resources, but he’s that guy for millions of others. You see, he’s spent his entire career traveling the world researching, filming, and directing documentaries about alternative healing methods that are proven to work. 

He’s even released a nine-part educational docuseries called Proven: The Power of Alternative Medicines to Heal the Diseases of our Time. 

It’s a ton of information, but here a few of my favorite topics he goes over:

  • Which herbs and supplements do the same job as antidepressants
  • How to exercise and feed your brain so that it stays fit and healthy
  • What to do to avoid viruses, and which viruses are actually helpful
  • When to face your trauma and rewire your brain after a traumatic event
  • Which herbs can improve digestion and leaky gut syndrome
  • Why Type 2 diabetes is actually reversible
  • How to avoid traditional medicine for a headache, and what to do instead
  • Why wild animals don’t experience inflammation
  • And so much more.

If you’re frustrated with the current state of our healthcare, and distrustful of Big Pharma and its many-tentacled reach, I’d start getting educated. Nick’s revelations are completely backed up by science, and proven over decades and centuries and in some cases, millennia.

Plus, listening to what he has to say is totally free!

Check it out here. The power to heal is contained within all of our bodies – but after years of Western medicine and food stripped of its nutrients, some of our bodies have forgotten what was once intrinsic.
Remind them.

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Dr. Pedram Shojai

NY Times Best Selling author and film maker. Taoist Abbot and Qigong master. Husband and dad. I’m here to help you find your way and be healthy and happy. I don’t want to be your guru…just someone who’ll help point the way. If you’re looking for a real person who’s done the work, I’m your guy. I can light the path and walk along it with you but can’t walk for you.