
Tag: sweet tooth

The Evolution of the Sweet Tooth

From the very first time that your mother admonished your grandmother for letting you have a bunch of candy when you were under her care,

The Evolution of the Sweet Tooth

From the very first time that your mother admonished your grandmother for letting you have a bunch of candy when you were under her care,


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What Happens in Your Body When You Quit Drinking

After the overindulgence of the holidays, lots of people decide that January is the perfect time to lay off the sauce.

And depending on how much alcohol your body is used to filtering, abstaining can be trickier for some than for others.

So it’s important to understand, if you choose to avoid alcohol, what goes on in your body when you first stop drinking.

Why Amazon Prime is the Kiss of Death for Environmentalism

Most of us (around 100 million, at least) know how much we’re willing to pay for thoughtless convenience — about $120 a year. 

That’s what Amazon charges for its Prime service at last count. In case you’ve been untouched by the creepy, instant, and isolating reach of Prime’s witchy long-reaching fingers, here are a few of their prime-ary benefits:

Shipping as fast as 2-day, 1-day, and in some cases 2-hour

Prime Video privileges

Whole Foods Market 2-hour delivery in select cities

AmazonFresh meal kit delivery

Prime Wardrobe service — sending you fashion pieces to try-before-you-buy and mail back if you don’t want them

Prime Pantry household essentials delivery

Are you noticing an emerging pattern?

How to Alkalize Your Body

There’s a theory in the health community that…

Much like fire leaves ash when it burns, so does your metabolism. But we don’t call it ash. We call it metabolic waste. And metabolic waste, or what’s leftover after our metabolisms have consumed the food we’ve eaten, can be one of three things:




Here’s the idea – some foods will metabolize and leave an acidic residue. Some will leave an alkaline residue.

How to Start Eco-Friendly in a New House

The task of detoxifying everything in your EDC (endocrine-disruptor) and chemical-laden home is beyond daunting. 

Everything from your dish soap to your sofa fabric contains harmful chemicals that the FDA and EPA have determined are safe in measured quantities…

But so little research has been done into which quantities and which length of exposure actually impacts human development, that the “safety” of these chemicals is doubted by many.

Sugar and the Gut: Avoid a Halloween Horror Story

Can you think of anything spookier than a haunted house? Scarier than a zombie attack? More soul shaking than Frankenstein’s monster?

What about…

An unhealthy gut?

Not scared yet?

Well, get ready… Americans are projected to spend $2.6 billion on candy this year. That’s between 160 million Americans. During Halloween season, the amount of candy sold weighs about as much as six Titanics.

Dr. Pedram Shojai

NY Times Best Selling author and film maker. Taoist Abbot and Qigong master. Husband and dad. I’m here to help you find your way and be healthy and happy. I don’t want to be your guru…just someone who’ll help point the way. If you’re looking for a real person who’s done the work, I’m your guy. I can light the path and walk along it with you but can’t walk for you.