
Tag: Relaxation


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The American Home is a Chemical Minefield

Open your cleaning supply closet and grab any bottle in there. 

Flip it over and read the list of chemicals contained.

Do you recognize any of those names?

And if you don’t recognize the names, is it remotely possible that you know how those chemicals are affecting you?

Designing a Social Life Based on Growth: Part 1

It’s likely that as you sit reading this, you’ve been alive for several decades, two centuries, and two millennia.

You’ve now added another decade to your resume. Pretty impressive. Take a moment and pat yourself on the back.

It’s also likely you’ve experienced tragedy, loss, growing pains, transitional periods, and heart capacity expansion. A lot of social ideals have changed in the last few decades, centuries, and millennia.

One significant change that we’ve experienced as a society has been looking closely at the friendships in our lives, and what they bring us measured against what they ask of us.

Designing a Social Life Based on Growth: Part 2

In our previous post, we talked about the benefits of healthy friendships. 

But most of us understand that they’re beneficial already, even if only anecdotally. Venting to a good friend feels good. Spending an evening with people who know and love you, laughing and reminiscing, feels good. Puzzling out a tough problem with a pal feels good.

The other side of the coin that has taken on added weight in the last twenty years or so of psychological study is that of toxic friendships, friendships that take more energy than they provide.

How to Be a Stronger Ally to your Neighbors

By and large, what’s happening in the world right now isn’t political – it’s something that lives right in the heart of every person’s humanity.

It is a matter of life and death, and there isn’t any other spin, sheen, or gloss to it. 

The protests, marches, demonstrations, riots, and uprisings that have officially touched all 50 states, 400 cities contained therein, and countries from New Zealand to Germany to Syria, have one thing in common: They call for the lives of Black citizens be treated with the same care and respect by the police that white lives are.

Dr. Pedram Shojai

NY Times Best Selling author and film maker. Taoist Abbot and Qigong master. Husband and dad. I’m here to help you find your way and be healthy and happy. I don’t want to be your guru…just someone who’ll help point the way. If you’re looking for a real person who’s done the work, I’m your guy. I can light the path and walk along it with you but can’t walk for you.