Lasting Change You Can Actually Affect in Six Weeks
New Year’s resolutions have an expiration date.
And it’s about six weeks into the new year…
January 12, to be exact, according to Strava, the
New Year’s resolutions have an expiration date.
And it’s about six weeks into the new year…
January 12, to be exact, according to Strava, the
New Year’s resolutions have an expiration date.
And it’s about six weeks into the new year…
January 12, to be exact, according to Strava, the
The word “ayurvedic” can have elitist connotations for some.
After all, who are the people you hear using it? Avid yogis, restrictive eaters, spiritual gurus, and the like. But if we examine our feelings about why we consider those sources elitist, we come to an interesting examination point: is it actually wellness jealousy that causes such a reaction?
People who choose to eschew fast food and can’t relate to jokes about creaking joints and sedentary lifestyles in your twenties confirm what most of us already know and don’t want to admit…
We know it’s not good for us.
From smartphones to tablets, laptops to smartwatches, screens have become an integral part of our daily lives. However, the increasing use of technology has also brought with it some negative consequences, especially when it comes to our sleep.
With Zachari Cahn Dr. Zachari Cahn holds a Masters degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine from the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine, the top rated accredited Chinese Medical
The EPA opened the doors on its US Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program in 1996. This branch of the agency was responsible for determining the impact on humans of industrial and agricultural chemicals either directly or indirectly.
Like what happens to our drinking water when herbicides run off of plants and into streams…
Or when children drink from plastic laced with BPA.
We’ve talked before about what endocrine-disruptors do — how they mimic naturally occurring hormones and interfere with signals in the body.