
Tag: fiber

Getting Right With Your Gut About Fiber

Aside from commercials featuring grandparents and their preferred fibrous cereal brands, it’s possible that the American public school system may have neglected their duty to

Getting Right With Your Gut About Fiber

Aside from commercials featuring grandparents and their preferred fibrous cereal brands, it’s possible that the American public school system may have neglected their duty to


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How to Care for your Mental, Spiritual, Physical, and Emotional Self

You know how you can tell the self-care movement is making an impact?

Corporations are talking about it, integrating it in their systems, and encouraging their employees to study their own self-care needs. All to improve the corporations’ bottom lines, of course, but if an institutional body historically opposed to the needs of the individual starts touting the benefits of a movement…

It’s probably time to listen.

The thing is, most people aren’t sure how to care for themselves.

Different Gut Issues and How To Eat for Them Pt 2

The microbiota in the gut contains over three million genes. 

It’s 150 times more diverse than the rest of the human body. 

And because of the steady diet of junk food, sedentary behavior, and toxic chemicals Americans live on, the healthy function of our GI tract has seen a dramatic decline.

Binge-Eating Linked to Very Specific Gut Bacteria

There’s nothing wrong with eating a second helping…

Unless, of course, you’re already full. And you’re not really sure why you’re eating the second helping. And when you’ve finished, you feel bloated and immobile and sleepy. And you fall asleep shortly after finishing, forcing your body to digest your meal in your sleep, which forces your digestive system to work twice as hard and impedes the quality of sleep you’re getting.

In the ever-evolving field of gut health research, scientists are asking the question: Is overeating less of a personal choice and more of a chemical response in the body?

In other words, can eating for pleasure, instead of eating to stave hunger, actually be traced to bacteria in the gut’s microbiome?

Dr. Pedram Shojai

NY Times Best Selling author and film maker. Taoist Abbot and Qigong master. Husband and dad. I’m here to help you find your way and be healthy and happy. I don’t want to be your guru…just someone who’ll help point the way. If you’re looking for a real person who’s done the work, I’m your guy. I can light the path and walk along it with you but can’t walk for you.