Beyond Caffeine: Natural Ways to Boost Your Energy and Fight Exhaustion
Are you tired of feeling tired? Do you rely on caffeine to get through the day? If so, it’s time to explore natural ways to
Are you tired of feeling tired? Do you rely on caffeine to get through the day? If so, it’s time to explore natural ways to
Are you tired of feeling tired? Do you rely on caffeine to get through the day? If so, it’s time to explore natural ways to
Shifting commerce from in-person, cash closings to blockchain-enabled online exchanges sounds like it ought to clear up the highways and save the trees… But the
Recently, we brought you an article on how bone broth can help heal an aching and damaged leaky gut.
In case you missed the article, here are the broad strokes:
The gelatin, broken down from the cartilage in the bones, feeds the mucous lining of the stomach.
Broth is easier to digest than solid food, so your gut can take some time off of work, replenish, and heal itself.
The amino acids in bone broth help to fight and reduce inflammation, ideal for people with gut pain.
So we know it’s good for you and we know that it can help repair intestinal cracks and strengthen the integrity of the gut lining.
A lot of contention remains about how to consume it – is store-bought okay? How long should cooking it take? Where do you get the bones? Can you use vegetable scraps? Which recipe do you use? How much should you consume daily?
In some places, “depression” gets Googled as often as every two seconds. “How can I cure my depression” is certainly one of the hottest search
Especially for those with digestive issues, feasting during the holidays can be a huge source of discomfort.
Cookies, gluten, candy, fudge, heavy dishes with red meats and sauces, eggnog, fried latkes, creamy potatoes, cheese plate after cheese plate…
They’re all pretty much an irritated bowel’s worst nightmare. The last thing you want to experience when you’re packing double your normal activity itinerary into busy days laced with the stress of insistent merriment is an upset tummy and an extra-long retreat to the bathroom.
Irritable guts can feel like a death sentence — you never seem to get the formula right. Eating out is a nightmare, providing friends and family with dietary restrictions can make you feel like a burden, and your roster of acceptable foods grows shorter with every article you read and doctor’s appointment you have.
Today, we’re going to look into a specific diet designed for those with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
FODMAP stands for Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides, and Polyols.
People with touchy bowels, leaky gut, or diagnosed IBS should be avoiding foods that fall within those parameters — why?