Best Ayurvedic Recipes for Gut Health
The word “ayurvedic” can have elitist connotations for some.
After all, who are the people you hear using it? Avid yogis, restrictive eaters, spiritual
The word “ayurvedic” can have elitist connotations for some.
After all, who are the people you hear using it? Avid yogis, restrictive eaters, spiritual
The word “ayurvedic” can have elitist connotations for some.
After all, who are the people you hear using it? Avid yogis, restrictive eaters, spiritual
Liquid diets have long been touted as quick gut-fixers… And not for no reason.
So many diseases have been linked to a microbial imbalance — a disproportionate bacteria distribution in your gut — that people have come up with all kinds of solutions ever since humankind started listening to our guts.
Because there are more than 100 trillion bacteria in the digestive system — great than in the entire rest of our bodies — there’s a pretty big margin for error.
The thing about toxic exposure is this: Everybody’s bill comes due. Whether it’s cancer at 50 from breathing in asbestos or a shortened attention span
No matter where you get your news, if you’ve been watching it for the past week, you can only have been disturbed. Whether you were
Everyone’s gut is as individual and unique as their thoughts and tastes. That’s because of the gut microbiome. The microbiome, or the ecological community of
People-pleasing is commonly considered to be an altruistic method of getting along with your neighbor. But according to prominent psychologists, it’s more accurately an acute