
Tag: american home


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Whole30 and Your Gut Flora

Someone in your office is doing “Whole30” this January, and they’re likely telling everyone about it.

And if you haven’t heard anyone talking about it… then it might be you.

If you haven’t heard of it (and you weren’t listening while your coworker explained it), “Whole30” is a month-long exclusionary diet. For 30 days, you cut out soy, dairy, grains, alcohol, legumes, and added sugars. 

So… probably most of what your regular Western diet consists of. The idea is that after 30 days, a participant would slowly start to introduce food groups back into their diet, so that they can see which foods may have been secretly irritating them or causing discomfort. Sort of like the idea behind the FODMAP diet for those with bowel issues.

4 Ways Nurturing Life Around You Nurtures Life Within You

In mid-February, you may think the circulation in your tending fingers is weak and frozen, having forgotten what it means to pick, spread, dig, pat, and otherwise foster a seedling from taking root to flowering. 

Maybe you can start gardening again in April!

Well, you could… but you’d be missing out on all of the vegetables that bloom beautifully in April and May. And to enjoy those, you’d have to start thinking about growing them around now!

Dr. Pedram Shojai

NY Times Best Selling author and film maker. Taoist Abbot and Qigong master. Husband and dad. I’m here to help you find your way and be healthy and happy. I don’t want to be your guru…just someone who’ll help point the way. If you’re looking for a real person who’s done the work, I’m your guy. I can light the path and walk along it with you but can’t walk for you.