ATTN: Gum Disease Can Be Pinpointed to Human Error

According to recent research, our bodies’ homeostatic temperature isn’t actually 98.6º Fahrenheit. In fact, it’s closer to 97.5º.

How could that be? Scientists say the way we measure body temperature hasn’t changed enough to account for the difference… But they do have a few theories.

We’re taller and heavier with slower metabolic rates than we once were. We’ve also adopted indoor climate control as a regular addition to the human condition. But there’s something even more obvious. 

Unsurprisingly, we’ve changed a lot about the way we conduct ourselves and treat our bodies since the 98.6º temperature was determined by German physician Carl Reinhold August Wunderlich in 1851. (Which, in fairness, was wrong even then – body temperatures vary by our gender, size, age, and other factors.)

One of the biggest changes we’ve made is to our hygiene.

During the 19th, and even 20th, centuries, human beings were pretty much constantly fighting off infections. That means that most people were always running a low-grade fever – hence the elevated temperature. 

Diseases like syphilis, tuberculosis, and periodontitis ravaged humanity until we made soap and antibiotics accessible. 

The inflammation caused by these diseases raised the body temperature in an attempt to fight them.

And now, as we’re seeing a decline in baseline temperature, it’s hard not to wonder how much infections are still affecting our bodies without us even realizing it.

Particularly as it relates to the way we treat our gums.

There’s a Gum Epidemic

Nearly half of adults over 30 have some form of periodontal disease, according to the CDC.


That could be for a lot of reasons – the exorbitant cost of dental insurance, a certain human unwillingness to adhere to dental hygiene standards (there are so many steps if you’re going to do it right!), or even simple ignorance about what you’re supposed to do.

But one thing is clear… the actual problem with our inflamed gums is human error.

If you’re in the know, then you’ve heard all about how the oral biome is the second largest colony of bacteria in your entire body (falling behind the titan of industry, the gut microbiome.)

Because it’s the gateway to your body, and the first geographical location to deal with food, it’s the site of many infection possibilities. In fact, there is a lot of evidence to suggest that chronic diseases stem from poor dental health more than anything else. 

It’s pretty scary stuff. Our gum health hinges on everyone having the determination to learn the right way to brush our teeth, and the consistency to follow through with it.

Especially when you consider that even though we’re much more capable of taking care of our teeth and gums now than we were in 1851, we’re also eating much worse. High fructose corn syrup, processed fast food, sugar everywhere, all the time, even in our bread.

What we really need is a toothbrush that eliminates these problems for us.

Can a Toothbrush Do Its Job in Under a Minute?

Short answer? Yes.

Long answer? Developed by a company called 30 Second Smile, there is a toothbrush that removes the margin for human error.

It’s not rocket science – the company simply got dentists to weigh in on the things we tend to mess up ourselves statistically the most often.

  • Toothbrush placement: Most people are pretty good at getting their upper teeth clean. But they’re abysmal at reaching their lower and back teeth. 
  • Scrub strength: Believe it or not, the norm is to scrub too hard. In an effort to really put our backs into teeth cleaning, we’re wearing the enamel off of them.
  • Brush length: We’re not brushing long enough – plain and simple. There are all kinds of electric and timed toothbrushes, but because of the above points, brushing for two full minutes badly is about the same as brushing for one minute.

This toothbrush addresses all three problems – because it’s got six strategically positioned brushes and it’s electric, six times the work gets done in the same amount of time, and the brushes reach the crevices we, no matter how effective we think we are, miss time and time again.

Simply put? 

No more human error. 

While having a pearly-white smile might be a social benefit, the way this toothbrush clears plaque from the gums and massages them actually contributes to your whole body health.

Using the BASS technique preferred by dentists – in which the brush is at a 45º at the front surface of the teeth while the bristles are projected in the pockets which surround the tooth – the 30 Second Smile brush doesn’t force you to remember geometry. 

No more bleeding gums, no more infections, no more inflammation, and a lowered overall body temperature.

That’s the very first step we should all be taking to contribute to a cooler body. 


If you decide to treat your gums to the care they deserve, you get a $23 discount off of the regular price by using the code wellness at checkout. 


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Dr. Pedram Shojai

NY Times Best Selling author and film maker. Taoist Abbot and Qigong master. Husband and dad. I’m here to help you find your way and be healthy and happy. I don’t want to be your guru…just someone who’ll help point the way. If you’re looking for a real person who’s done the work, I’m your guy. I can light the path and walk along it with you but can’t walk for you.