
“When we align our goals with our plans, we plug in our focus and willpower to make it work.”

- Dr. Pedram Shojai

Start your journey to
better health

“Today I received lab results that confirm the work I’ve done for the last 2+ years is paying off. My weakest link is my liver, and my ALT and AST numbers have dropped significantly and are both at 17. My other results look stellar. Plus I feel better, calmer, and more in control of my response to life. Thanks for your guidance Pedram Shojai!”

– Melanie Mills Church

“It’s now day 81 of my gong and meditating every morning. It’s been going so well that I’ve now added in a 2nd morning meditation session focused on abundance!”

– Jamie Cortes

“I have been so positive. My friends have noticed and ask for suggestions. I’m feeling better with chronic health issues and have more energy.”

– Shari Taylor

“I am very thankful for finding urban monk academy. Growing up I have always been an athlete, avid snowboarder, and boater. I also have a job where I am always on my feet moving. I feel Invincible”

– Kaylee Andersen

Put it into practice

“I initially read ‘The Urban Monk’ & more importantly began to put into practice what I read in the book along with all the content from the Urban Monk Academy, commiting to showing up for weekly calls with Pedram and his wonderful community kept me on track”

-Kathleen Donhardt

“I alternated between this and the Four Count Breathing track when I was laid up for 3 weeks following a nasty head injury. People at work kept calling me and the Zen track was the only thing that would turn off the incessant chatter in my brain saying” go in, they need you. it’ll be fine.” it’s wonderful and I  still use it often!”

– Sara Olson

“All of these restless daytime mediations may in fact be improving my sleep. I think I awoke briefly once last night then naturally woke up at 5:15. My meditations are in fact good and effective.”

– Maureen MK Hahn

“Finished the first Gong day! This will be quite a challenge I can tell already: Minimum 20min meditation. Cloud Hands Qi Gong,” minimum 1.5h movement of all sorts.. I am so excited about doing this with this community. This is what I have longed for for a long time. Thank you all and thank you Pedram!”

– Heidi Steenstrup

Never lose hope

“Thinking of Pedram Shojai gave me hope that it would be possible and that I was responsible for my life. Today the dark is behind. To everyone who has a lot of healing to do don’t lose hope and keep going on, it is worth it.”

-Anne Lucie Carbuccia

“Over a month without caffeine and few weeks without headches! Regular meditations and excercises at least twice a day. Gluten-free diet since march 2017. And now, my heart, body and mind are more peacefuly than ever!”

– Sanna Kaasinen

“Since joining the Urban Monk Academy and applying and utilizing the teachings, practices and principles into my day to day life I have found myself feeling happier more grounded, balanced, present and empowered.”

– Gina Ingram

“I’m on Day 28 of Art of Stopping Time, Time to catch your breath. This one is HUGE for me. I have a condition that will lay me flat for days if I get too ahead of myself. Pedram reminds me “The line is always moving.” I have so much that I want to do in this life that I’m often riding that line.”

– Shari Taylor

Listen to some of our members speak on our past Retreat

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and be apart of the people changing their lives one day at a time