Don’t Gum Up the Works: What Does Oil Pulling Do?
Taking care of yourself in a world that hopes you won’t is radical. Right?
But it doesn’t always look the way we think it will…
Taking care of yourself in a world that hopes you won’t is radical. Right?
But it doesn’t always look the way we think it will…
Taking care of yourself in a world that hopes you won’t is radical. Right?
But it doesn’t always look the way we think it will…
The more we’ve moved humanity indoors, automated our skills away, and gotten our experience of the world filtered and sent to us through screens… The
It’s becoming common knowledge in scientific circles that our guts, or “second brains,” have a symbiotic relationship with almost every other system in our bodies.
Antibiotics have been a game-changer in modern medicine, saving countless lives by fighting off bacterial infections. However, the use of antibiotics can also have unintended consequences on the gut microbiome.
When man discovered fire 0.2 million years ago, everything changed.
Including the composition of our gut’s microbiome.
You probably know that the shape of our teeth has changed since then as well, because we aren’t gnawing on raw meat anymore. So it stands to reason that other areas of our internal operating system have evolved as well.
Have you ever lost touch with a close friend, only to hear about their lives later and think “That doesn’t sound like them at all”?