Entheogens and Spirituality: The Ancient Connection
Some say it’s as old as religion itself. Today, you’d recognize entheogens as a list of substances that could land you in hot legal water.
Some say it’s as old as religion itself. Today, you’d recognize entheogens as a list of substances that could land you in hot legal water.
Some say it’s as old as religion itself. Today, you’d recognize entheogens as a list of substances that could land you in hot legal water.
When you compliment someone on their energy, or even notice someone else’s energy, what are you really saying? You’re alluding to an intangible — a
Mindfulness meditation is a practice that involves focusing your mind on your experiences, such as your own emotions, thoughts, and sensations, in the present moment.
While the composition of the microbiome is unique to each individual, there are certain patterns that emerge as we age.
Before COVID-19, an entirely different kind of infection had hospitals all over the globe completely spooked. The threat behind that infection is, by one estimate,
It’s been a little while since we touched base on the coronavirus pandemic.
Mainly, we’ve tried to focus on how we can minimize its physical and immunological impact in our own circles, as well as its emotional and mental impact on ourselves.