The Triple Threat Response Team to Banish Gut Distress
The elements conspiring to rob your gut’s microbiome of its healthy bacteria have a three-fold plan:
Tamper with your digestion
Drain you of your
The elements conspiring to rob your gut’s microbiome of its healthy bacteria have a three-fold plan:
Tamper with your digestion
Drain you of your
The elements conspiring to rob your gut’s microbiome of its healthy bacteria have a three-fold plan:
Tamper with your digestion
Drain you of your
The thing about toxic exposure is this: Everybody’s bill comes due. Whether it’s cancer at 50 from breathing in asbestos or a shortened attention span
Meet Dr Steven Gundry Dr. Steven Gundry MD, Heart Surgeon, New York Times Bestseller, Host of The Dr. Gundry Podcast. Dr. Steven Gundry is one
Most of us (around 100 million, at least) know how much we’re willing to pay for thoughtless convenience — about $120 a year.
That’s what Amazon charges for its Prime service at last count. In case you’ve been untouched by the creepy, instant, and isolating reach of Prime’s witchy long-reaching fingers, here are a few of their prime-ary benefits:
Shipping as fast as 2-day, 1-day, and in some cases 2-hour
Prime Video privileges
Whole Foods Market 2-hour delivery in select cities
AmazonFresh meal kit delivery
Prime Wardrobe service — sending you fashion pieces to try-before-you-buy and mail back if you don’t want them
Prime Pantry household essentials delivery
Are you noticing an emerging pattern?
Co-sleeping, or sleeping in the same bed with your partner, has been a controversial topic for years. However, research has shown that there are many benefits to sharing your bed with your loved one. In this article, we will explore the benefits of co-sleeping and how it can improve your relationship.
When Hippocrates famously said, “All disease begins in the gut,” he likely had no idea how right he was.
For example, could he have known that the gut contains 10 times more bacteria responsible for regulating your health than the rest of the body?
Or that the bacterial transfer that occurs at birth affects the diversity of your microbiome (collection of gastro-intestinal bacteria in the digestive tract) for life?
Is it possible that he knew the root cause of bacteria destruction in the gut flora also weakens the gut barrier and leads to leaky gut, diverticulitis, and other disorders?
Maybe not. But he was on the right track.