
Tag: peace

Creating Peace-Driven Media

When I had the idea for my Interconnected film series, I had to choose a director.

Tough gig – I needed to find someone

Creating Peace-Driven Media

When I had the idea for my Interconnected film series, I had to choose a director.

Tough gig – I needed to find someone


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How to Access your Energy in 2020

When you compliment someone on their energy, or even notice someone else’s energy, what are you really saying?

You’re alluding to an intangible — a force, a feeling, a figurative quality.

You’re going to keep hearing that word all year — energy — in headlines, in articles, in documentaries, on podcasts. 

That’s because everyone is trying to get at the same point.

5 Ways to De-Stress in 5 Minutes

Americans are constantly ranked among the most stressed out people in the world.

And although there’s nothing wrong with a little stress, since it can give us the strength and urgency to carry on, big stress can be paralytic. 

The disconnect between the constant, gnawing needling of the multitasking, compartmentalizing, organizing voice in the back of our heads and the little bit of stress that the human brain is designed to handle…

Where to Start When You’re Ditching Disposable

“Single use” is the dirtiest phrase of 2020.

Usually, we associate “single use” with plastic bottles, encouraging the ground swell, grassroots movement of citizens concerned about the environment to opt for portable glass water-bottles, or recycled BPA-free plastic, instead of stopping by the gas station and grabbing a plastic water bottle.

But “single use” moves far beyond just water bottles.

Plastic bags. Disposable razors. Shampoo and conditioner bottles. Cardboard boxes. Toothbrushes. Coffee tubs. Diapers. Loofahs.

Dr. Pedram Shojai

NY Times Best Selling author and film maker. Taoist Abbot and Qigong master. Husband and dad. I’m here to help you find your way and be healthy and happy. I don’t want to be your guru…just someone who’ll help point the way. If you’re looking for a real person who’s done the work, I’m your guy. I can light the path and walk along it with you but can’t walk for you.