EMDR Therapy – What Makes it Tick?
Everyone has trauma. Put another way, no one doesn’t have trauma.
It’s a liberating truth, in a sense – your trauma is no more off-putting
Everyone has trauma. Put another way, no one doesn’t have trauma.
It’s a liberating truth, in a sense – your trauma is no more off-putting
Everyone has trauma. Put another way, no one doesn’t have trauma.
It’s a liberating truth, in a sense – your trauma is no more off-putting
Nobody could afford coconut oil during the war in the 1940s. Although it had been used in European and American, not to mention Caribbean and Filipino, cooking for centuries, Americans lost their access to it, except at exorbitant prices. (If you’re wondering, that’s how soy was able to get such a foothold in our eating practices.)
When coconut oil reentered the market, the national food and health authorities had turned on it – they claimed it was basically lard. Coconut oil is 93% saturated fat, and during the 1950s, there wasn’t a dirtier curse word in the medical community.
We thought it clogged arteries and caused heart disease.
At a certain point in the Western world, it can feel like your doctor has given up on finding solutions for the creaks and strains
New Year’s resolutions have an expiration date.
And it’s about six weeks into the new year…
January 12, to be exact, according to Strava, the social network for athletes. Strava conducted a study, analyzing 31.5 million people’s online activities, to find the average date people decide their resolution experiment has failed.
When man discovered fire 0.2 million years ago, everything changed.
Including the composition of our gut’s microbiome.
You probably know that the shape of our teeth has changed since then as well, because we aren’t gnawing on raw meat anymore. So it stands to reason that other areas of our internal operating system have evolved as well.
2020 exposed many areas in our supply chain where resources were finite, and showed us what could happen should we start to run low on