When Your Pup’s Got an Itch They Can’t Scratch…
Unfortunately, there’s no such thing as single-payer pet healthcare.
And since they don’t have jobs, it’s up to you to decide when their ailments are
Unfortunately, there’s no such thing as single-payer pet healthcare.
And since they don’t have jobs, it’s up to you to decide when their ailments are
Unfortunately, there’s no such thing as single-payer pet healthcare.
And since they don’t have jobs, it’s up to you to decide when their ailments are
Every day, it seems like there’s a new rule for how to behave. And if you weren’t following that rule before, you’ve probably done untold
Right now, you’re stuck in a financial paradigm. Paradigms are cognitive frameworks. They’re the belief systems in which you function. Paradigms can be grand, sweeping
Endocrine-disrupting chemicals have leached into our homes, our bodies, our bloodstreams, and our endocrine systems.
If you’re unaware, the endocrine system is responsible for producing and regulating the hormones in your body. The series of glands that make up the endocrine system handle your metabolism, growth and development, sexual and reproductive function, sleep, and mood. It’s where estrogen, testosterone, insulin, and other hormones are produced.
So when we talk about endocrine-disruptors…
When the weather outside is frightful… we tend to reach for hot tea, mulled cider, even warm whiskeys to thaw our chilled bones. Sometimes we
The more we’ve moved humanity indoors, automated our skills away, and gotten our experience of the world filtered and sent to us through screens…
The more we’ve lost touch with some of the vital skills cavemen and prehistoric men learned in order to survive.
We’re only able to tell an automated device to play a song by a famous dead artist, or microwave a burrito, or fly to a different time zone on a moment’s notice, because our ancestors developed the essential skills that were necessary to beat the odds and survive.