
Tag: Fair Trade Certified

Learning the Lingo to Go Green

The human instinct is to trust and believe. That’s a beautiful thing. In order to immerse ourselves in the sustainable, ethically-sourced, bioavailable world rising up

Learning the Lingo to Go Green

The human instinct is to trust and believe. That’s a beautiful thing. In order to immerse ourselves in the sustainable, ethically-sourced, bioavailable world rising up


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Compartmentalizing Growth: You and the 100 Day Year

Ask most entrepreneurs the secret to their success, and before they say generational wealth, they’ll likely say “compartmentalization.”

What that means simply is the ability to break down information and tasks into discrete parts. 

For example, “writing a book” is a huge undertaking. But picking the names of the ten main characters and writing an outline are two separate parts of that journey that are much less overwhelming.

The Science and Staying Power of Acupuncture

The internet’s democratizing nature has proven fertile ground for wellness trends to grow and spread. 

But some had staying power long before high-speed connectivity. Millenia of staying power, even. 

Like acupuncture, which is a 2,500 Chinese tradition. The first discovered mention of acupuncture being used for medical purposes comes from The Yellow Emperor in the Han Dynasty, and his Classic of Internal Medicine. (All the way back in 206 BCE.)

Is Clutter Truly Bad for the Soul?

“This does not spark joy” – the anthem of 2018 should sound familiar. With the sweeping trends of Scandivanian hygge (cozy and tactilely pleasing aesthetic) and minimalism (austere and bare, but carefully chosen possessions) pressing forward into our consciousness, it was easy to get swept up.

Plenty of people went on donation binges. Organized their garages. Held yard sales to disperse years and years of capitalist accumulation, sold on the idea that without their material baggage, their internal selves would be liberated and free.

Replace Glory Gains with these 5 Vital Movements

The internet is saturated with advice on how to manicure your body and finetune it like a microchip — washboard abs, Madonna arms, digestive purges, leg day, chest day, back sculpting, squat thrusts, etc.

In the noise, you may find yourself confused about where to start and what’s important.

The truth is, being active and healthy is a lifestyle. That means it should be a part of your behavior all day, every day.

Dr. Pedram Shojai

NY Times Best Selling author and film maker. Taoist Abbot and Qigong master. Husband and dad. I’m here to help you find your way and be healthy and happy. I don’t want to be your guru…just someone who’ll help point the way. If you’re looking for a real person who’s done the work, I’m your guy. I can light the path and walk along it with you but can’t walk for you.