
Tag: destress

5 Ways to De-Stress in 5 Minutes

Americans are constantly ranked among the most stressed out people in the world.

And although there’s nothing wrong with a little stress, since it can

5 Ways to De-Stress in 5 Minutes

Americans are constantly ranked among the most stressed out people in the world.

And although there’s nothing wrong with a little stress, since it can


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Prison Labor Helps Keep Wages Low on the Outside

“Stay out of it” is pretty much the standard distillation of analysis regarding the prison industrial complex, at least according to most public school curricula. 

Not bad advice, certainly.

But in the wake of the great informational tsunami that’s flooded the shores of the West these last few months, and in keeping with our commitment to participate in a capitalist word as consciously and ethically as we can, we can’t help but dig a little deeper into two key facts:

Binge-Eating Linked to Very Specific Gut Bacteria

There’s nothing wrong with eating a second helping…

Unless, of course, you’re already full. And you’re not really sure why you’re eating the second helping. And when you’ve finished, you feel bloated and immobile and sleepy. And you fall asleep shortly after finishing, forcing your body to digest your meal in your sleep, which forces your digestive system to work twice as hard and impedes the quality of sleep you’re getting.

In the ever-evolving field of gut health research, scientists are asking the question: Is overeating less of a personal choice and more of a chemical response in the body?

In other words, can eating for pleasure, instead of eating to stave hunger, actually be traced to bacteria in the gut’s microbiome?

We’re All the Same as We Were at Five…

Connection and its mysterious ways have long plagued humanity – anthropologists, advertisers, parents, linguists, psychologists, mail carriers, romantic partners… Everyone is just as curious and confused

A Guide to Consuming Bone Broth

Recently, we brought you an article on how bone broth can help heal an aching and damaged leaky gut.

In case you missed the article, here are the broad strokes:

The gelatin, broken down from the cartilage in the bones, feeds the mucous lining of the stomach.

Broth is easier to digest than solid food, so your gut can take some time off of work, replenish, and heal itself.

The amino acids in bone broth help to fight and reduce inflammation, ideal for people with gut pain.

So we know it’s good for you and we know that it can help repair intestinal cracks and strengthen the integrity of the gut lining.

A lot of contention remains about how to consume it – is store-bought okay? How long should cooking it take? Where do you get the bones? Can you use vegetable scraps? Which recipe do you use? How much should you consume daily?

Dr. Pedram Shojai

NY Times Best Selling author and film maker. Taoist Abbot and Qigong master. Husband and dad. I’m here to help you find your way and be healthy and happy. I don’t want to be your guru…just someone who’ll help point the way. If you’re looking for a real person who’s done the work, I’m your guy. I can light the path and walk along it with you but can’t walk for you.