
Tag: alcohol


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Why Amazon Prime is the Kiss of Death for Environmentalism

Most of us (around 100 million, at least) know how much we’re willing to pay for thoughtless convenience — about $120 a year. 

That’s what Amazon charges for its Prime service at last count. In case you’ve been untouched by the creepy, instant, and isolating reach of Prime’s witchy long-reaching fingers, here are a few of their prime-ary benefits:

Shipping as fast as 2-day, 1-day, and in some cases 2-hour

Prime Video privileges

Whole Foods Market 2-hour delivery in select cities

AmazonFresh meal kit delivery

Prime Wardrobe service — sending you fashion pieces to try-before-you-buy and mail back if you don’t want them

Prime Pantry household essentials delivery

Are you noticing an emerging pattern?

Can Changing The Way You Brush Your Teeth Rid You Of Chronic Disease?

When you brush your teeth, are you spitting red?


About 90% of the population admits to it. 

Bleeding gums, as we know, is generally a sign that your gums are inflamed. And if there’s anything we know about inflammation, it’s that it’s bad news when any body part is inflamed. It’s a symptom of infection. It means something isn’t right.

If you’re like most of the population, your understanding of what goes on in your mouth is limited. Basically, you notice when something out of the ordinary happens. But…

Binge-Eating Linked to Very Specific Gut Bacteria

There’s nothing wrong with eating a second helping…

Unless, of course, you’re already full. And you’re not really sure why you’re eating the second helping. And when you’ve finished, you feel bloated and immobile and sleepy. And you fall asleep shortly after finishing, forcing your body to digest your meal in your sleep, which forces your digestive system to work twice as hard and impedes the quality of sleep you’re getting.

In the ever-evolving field of gut health research, scientists are asking the question: Is overeating less of a personal choice and more of a chemical response in the body?

In other words, can eating for pleasure, instead of eating to stave hunger, actually be traced to bacteria in the gut’s microbiome?

How to Center Yourself During a Holiday Anxiety Attack

Your body registers these two emotions in exactly the same way, physiologically: nervousness and excitement.

But try telling yourself that when you’re in the middle of a panic attack.

And studies have shown that the holidays can be peak-panic attack season for people with anxiety disorders (diagnosed or otherwise) — even up to 75% of us, in a recent poll.

Dr. Pedram Shojai

NY Times Best Selling author and film maker. Taoist Abbot and Qigong master. Husband and dad. I’m here to help you find your way and be healthy and happy. I don’t want to be your guru…just someone who’ll help point the way. If you’re looking for a real person who’s done the work, I’m your guy. I can light the path and walk along it with you but can’t walk for you.