
Tag: activists


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Don’t Gum Up the Works: What Does Oil Pulling Do?

Taking care of yourself in a world that hopes you won’t is radical. Right?

But it doesn’t always look the way we think it will… It doesn’t always look like self-soothing. It doesn’t always look like saying “yes” to our momentary flashes of whims that we believe will stave off discomfort. It doesn’t always look like abdicating our responsibilities when we don’t believe there’s any more gas in the tank.

Conscious Capitalism: Snack Edition

What do a teenage girl with IBS and a world-renowned animal welfare expert have in common?

Apparently, beef-sticks.

You see, when Autumn and Chas Smith got married and were dealing with Autumn’s lifelong digestive issues, they discovered that sticking to the paleo diet almost completely eradicated her symptoms. 

So they kept strengthening their understanding of nutritional deficiencies, especially in paleo food, until they came to one unsettling conclusion…

The Importance of Being Barefoot

Just about 40,000 years ago, human beings made an elective decision that changed the course of humanity forever.

They started wearing shoes.

Although scientific theories differ as to why we started wearing shoes, several common ideas prevail. For example, the time that we started wearing shoes corresponds with certain social changes humans were making.

Escapism is Ancient: How to Manage your Screen Addiction

The first caveman who daydreamed about the fields beyond his own exercised the same basic instinct we do when we scroll our social media mindlessly: escapism.

Every form of media that humanity has developed and consumed is driven by the desire to escape our realities and experience another one, and we’ll never be rid of it.

Folklore. Religion. Mythology. Books. Music. Painting. Sculpting. Museums. Newspapers. Radio. Television. Cinema. Social media.

Dr. Pedram Shojai

NY Times Best Selling author and film maker. Taoist Abbot and Qigong master. Husband and dad. I’m here to help you find your way and be healthy and happy. I don’t want to be your guru…just someone who’ll help point the way. If you’re looking for a real person who’s done the work, I’m your guy. I can light the path and walk along it with you but can’t walk for you.