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Deep Sleep
Getting Deep Sleep starts when we wake up and has to do with everything we do all day. Sleep quality is a function of nervous system arousal and our ability to turn things down in the evening makes or breaks our sleep.
I’ve been helping busy wound up people get the sleep they need for decades. I’ve seen a lot of things come and go and am not a pill for an ill kind of doctor BUT I’ve also seen amazing results with certain botanicals and nutrients over the years. This formula is part of an overall approach to sleeping better from my Deep Sleep Solution. My patients and students swear by it.
BRB Trim
I’ve been recommending Berberine to patients for decades for many benefits that range from gut health to sugar balance.
I’ve been able to isolate a form of it that’s 5x more potent and works wonders for my patients. I have a hard time keeping this one in stock as it’s hard to make.
If there’s one supplement I like for modern folks, this one has so many benefits that it’s on my top shelf. I never travel without it and take it almost daily.
It’s the best Berberine on the market.
Not only is this formula extemeley effective at calming you down in the evening, it’s delicious. This one is a family favorite since the kids ask for it.
It helps calm the nervous system in the evenings so everyone in the household can look forward to a peaceful and restful night’s sleep.
Scoop it into a cup of regular or warm water and sip it knowing that the day is now over and you are ready to “shut down the windows” of your mental operating system and get ready for bed.
Symbio Lean
We’ve been able to isolate a particular strain of bacteria that’s only found in thinner people and use it to help inoculate the guts of people trying to lose weight.
I can’t keep this one on the shelves long. This bacteria has shown to thrive in thinner people and folks who need to drop a few pounds use it and swear by it.
L-Ergothioneine is a powerful substance found in fermented mushrooms that is now being isolated and extracted for several health benefits.
It’s been shown to boost energy output and has several anti-aging properties.
Energy is the currency of life and my patients take this to enhance their days and boost their vitality.
Best of all, it’s very reasonably priced for a potent longevity supplement on the market.